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Tear Jerker / Captain Laserhawk: A Blood Dragon Remix

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WARNING: Spoilers Off applies to Tear Jerker pages per wiki policy. All spoilers will be unmarked.

  • The sudden, violent death of Jade can be gut-wrenching to Beyond Good & Evil fans; especially in light of both attempts at continuing her series winding up in Development Hell, meaning this portrayal is the most they've seen of her since. Pey'j — her adoptive father in this series — meets a similarly gruesome fate one episode later, making it even more painful for fans of the game.
  • Alex betraying Dolph in order to further his own goals of bringing down Eden. This betrayal breaks Dolph, as Alex was the first — possibly only — person he trusted since leaving the military. And then one episode later, seeing Alex in a relationship with Pagan Min, who reveals that Alex told him all of the clearly personal things that Dolph shared with him.
  • Rayman's breakdown when the imprisoned Bullfrog shows him the atrocities that his employers were responsible for, as well as how he helped it all to happen due to being Eden's propaganda mouthpiece for so long. While it sets Rayman on the path to his Heel–Face Turn, the revelations absolutely devastate him — particularly when he sees young children being groomed into Child Soldiers and innocent hybrids of all ages used for torturous slave labor — to the point he vomits and breaks down in horrified tears.
    Rayman: (audibly sobbing) What have I done...?! I'm a monster!
    • Special mention goes to the point where he sees his beloved Rayman Kids — young fans of his TV show, whom he wants to be a good friend and role model to above all else — being shown how to wield guns in war-torn ruins and forced to sleep homeless and starving on the streets. The way Rayman's eyes erupt with horror and his voice breaks at the sight is absolutely gut-wrenching.
    Children: (joyfully, interspersed with the scenes of them suffering) I'm a Rayman Kid!
    Rayman: N-n-no-no! (starts to cry) Not the little kids...!
