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Tear Jerker / Bitter Virgin

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  • Aikawa talking with Yuzu about her "almost kiss" when she bumped into Daisuke on the stairs:
    "It didn't feel terrible the way a kiss does."
  • Hinako's mother is often seen as callous/stupid for denying the fact that Hinako is being sexually abused by her stepdad, but most people don't realize how insanely hard it is to wrap your head around this kind of thing. It's easy to go Mama Bear on a rapist you don't know personally; it's a lot harder when the accused rapist is your own spouse, whom you live with and love, and who is a skilled enough manipulator to put a good face in front of you.
    • Then there's also idea she's going to have to live with the fact that the relationship between her and her daughter is beyond fixing.
  • Any time Hinako's son is brought up, really. Notably when she stares at a cute one-year-old's outfit in the baby clothing store, and when she asks in the confessional whether it's alright for her to celebrate her son's birthday, despite never having met him.
  • The birth of Izumi's stillborn son.
    Daisuke: My nephew came home as nothing more than tiny bones.
  • The Creator Breakdown that created this story. Kei Kusunoki wrote this manga right after having a miscarriage. Hence, why Hinako lost her first baby. And why Izumi lost hers in the end. Tragically, Kusunoki also reveals that her mother lost her own son (Kusunoki's older brother) in an accident when he was only three years old.
