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Tear Jerker / A Letter to Momo

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  • Ikuko crying when she looks at old pictures of her and Kazuo. But, bottling it up for Momo's sake.
  • Ikuko's violent coughs when asthma attack worsens.
  • Momo and Ikuko's argument towards the end of the film when the latter thinks the former was the one stealing the vegetables. Momo is unable to convince her mother it wasn't her fault. And right after Ikuko hits Momo, the latter gives a scathing "The Reason You Suck" Speech to her mother, saying that she doesn't understand her and also forgot about Kazuo, and Momo runs off into an incoming storm. After Ikuko's asthma problems worsen, Momo regrets the last things she said to her. Ikuko's "My God, What Have I Done?" reaction is also understandable, given how her anger got the best of her and made her daughter run off.
  • Momo's argument with her father before his death:
    Momo: "You're selfish, and you're a liar. I don't care if you come back."
