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Shocking / Reversal of Fortune (TLH)

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  • Clyde makes his first appearance in this story in chapter 5, but he is a completely different person who acts and does things much differently from the show. The entire student body gasped in shock as soon as they saw him with some even fainting.
  • Luan is normally psychotic when it comes to April Fools' Day but her lighting a bag of poop on fire on the front porch of the Crowley house after lightly dousing the house with gasoline while the Crowleys were still in it in chapter 28 was way past psychotic.
  • It is bad enough the Louds already kicked Lincoln out of the house, but they also kicked Lucy out of the house in chapter 34 just because she would not burn a photo album that has Lincoln's pictures in it.
  • Many people find out about the Lord Tobias Tetherby Foundation, what they do, and worst of all who the members are in chapter 40. Many people they all know including the entire Board of Education are part of this, and they are all beyond horrified, infuriated, and disgusted.
