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Sandbox / Characterization Marches On Wick Check

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Wick Check for Characterization Marches On

Why?: This trope is supposed to be about unexplained/unjustified changes to a character over the course of a work/series. Essentially Early-Installment Weirdness for characterization. However, many examples seem to be perfectly justifed cases of standard Character Development. Examples explicitly from the pilot of a series should likely go on Non-Indicative First Episode or Dropped After the Pilot instead.

Wicks Checked: 1/50

Wick Totals:

  • Unexplained changes to characterization over the course of a work
  • Standard Character Development
  • Other Use/Should be Another Trope 1
  • Zero-Context/Unclear 2
  • Unclassifiable

    Unexplained changes to characterization over the course of a work/series 

    Standard Character Development 

    Other Use/Should be Another Trope 

    Zero-Context/Unclear 1 
  • Characters.OverwatchRoadhog: In the original Overwatch, Roadhog's Terse Talker tendency meant that he doesn't that many voicelines, only having voicelines any other hero would have. Overwatch 2 significantly increases the amount of lines he has while keeping them short and clear, making him come off as more quirky than he used to be. His interactions do vary with other heroes as well, he comes across as civil when talking to Brigitte rather than as aggressive as he is towards Pharah.
    • -He's a Terse Talker who gets more lines yet remains a Terse Talker. Is possibly "more quirky"? Not sure that is enough to qualify based on what is written.
  • Series.AP Bio: Grace is presented as being the most normal of Jack's students (to the point of verging into being The Generic Guy) throughout the first season, but becomes The Pollyanna and a Stepford Smiler in the second.
    • '''-No context is given for any of these character tropes or how the change plays out to know if it's unexplained.

