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Recap / WITCH Animated S 2 E 19 S Is For Self

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As a battle of the bands looms close, Shagon struggles to keep up a convincing appearance as Matt. All the while it becomes apparent something is wrong with Yan Lin...

The episode contains the following tropes:

  • A Day in the Limelight: Unlike every other episode that puts a particular Guardian in the spotlight, this episode mainly focuses on Yan Lin.
  • Big Eater: At the start of the double date, Hay Lin eats 42 Moo shu's before she has dessert. Only to be beaten by Yan Lin who ate even more than that.
  • Fighting from the Inside: Within Matt, he and Shagon are battling for control over the former's body. The fight ends when Matt is able to summon a guitar and blast Shagon, destroying him and regaining control.
  • The Reveal: The Yan Lin that W.I.T.C.H. rescued in the previous episode is not the real Yan Lin. Unable to corrupt Yan Lin into joining her, Nerissa created a more "accommodating" version, an Altermere, and trapped the real Yan Lin within the Seal.
  • The Unreveal: During the double date, we never find out how many Moo shu's Yan Lin ate.
  • Wham Line: Nerissa delivers one just before she drains the Knights' power.
    Nerissa: Guardians, UNITE!
    • Also, her line at the end of the episode.
      Nerissa: The battle has only just begun.
  • Wham Shot: The end of the episode reveals Nerissa and the former Guardians, young, alive and transformed.
