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Recap / Two Of These People Are Lying 3 X 01

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Episode Title: Sir Tony of Hawksville


  • Actor Allusion: Tom mentions that Chris's joke about a ballroom was so funny that he wished he had a "Mystery Biscuits" button.
  • Bowel-Breaking Bricks: Gary mentions this when both Matt and Gary had similar ideas for their articles on the "Ute Muster"; both went for Utility Vehicle-themed article descriptions.
  • Canis Latinicus: According to Chris, "Ute Muster" is a nonsensical Latin name for a university group; a reason to get inebriated and pretend they are of higher status.
  • Entertainingly Wrong: Chris mentions that the Windy City Open is a jokey mini-golf competition with one hole on top of buildings the group in the article have access to, which Gary misunderstands as "mini-golf where you putt the ball across building chasms". Tom and the rest of the gang immediately subscribe to that idea, and mentions that it'd be a great game for VR.
  • Flashback Cut: Matt admits that he'd completely forgotten what he was talking about due to a tangent, and notes that the camera would've caught him reaching over the paper cards to get a better look at the words again.
  • Foreshadowing: Matt brings up the possibility that none of them are telling the truth, leading Chris to remark "Let's save that one". Chris would indeed later create a round where all three of them were lying.
  • Shaped Like Itself: Matt calls a Penny Board a downhill skateboard, and then realises that all skateboards are downhill skateboards.
  • Shout-Out: To both Christina Aguilera as a measure of attractiveness, and to Tom Jones, where the crew sing "Sex Ute" to the tune of "Sex Bomb".
  • Take That!: Tom takes a potshot at Steams' Early Access program after Matt suggests budding VR developers to make only 10% of the game pitched in the video.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Matt attempting to say "Ute Muster" in an Australian accent, but it comes off as Irish instead.
