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Recap / The Return To Gravity Falls S 2 E 21 Winds Of Change

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Back underground, Graupner is gloating to the twins and Arline about them being trapped. They tell him they will stop him, but he says they can't kill a Lich, and that they have played right into his Master's plan. He explains that everything he and Omir did had a purpose- the spider at the Talent Show slowed tourists, the Business Convention gave Omir authority and kept businesses away, and bringing down the Phoenix broke the unity of the residents in town.

Arline tells him the people are fighting the war on the surface as they speak, Graupner admitting that the resilience of the citizens is why they created the Lycanropes and the Golem. With breaking the spirit of the town out of the question, they had to break the town by force, something helped by the bombs exploding two days ago limiting outside aide. He tells them that by the time they found him and Omir the day before, they had broken the protections on the Starkissed Stone of Conservation.

Counting quickly, Graupner confirms that the near-war between the species in the woods, the Golem attack, and the current war with the Lycanropes were all distractions so Omir could complete his mission. Dipper asks what the mission is, but Graupner's info is limited to Omir beginning to talk in his sleep three years ago, and being determined to save his 'golden soul' ever since. Graupner admits that he never cared what his Master was up to, and Omir never really trusted him, but that will all change once he kills Arline and the twins. His red-stone eye gleaming, he gives the order for the Lycanropes to attack.

Back at the Manor, Omir explains to the shocked Stan, Soos and Wendy that he knows how to lift the curse of the blackflame and fix Yuki. He says that they should trust him because he has held back from using his full power on the town and chosen to do things with as little resistance as possible. Stan admits to himself that what Omir said about working long in the shadows is more efficient, Omir telling an accusatory Soos that while he may not be a good man, he is a practical one.

Wendy attacks, Soos following shortly after, but both attacks are blocked. Stan begins shooting, and Omir is forced to drop the Stone to block the bullets with his staff. Wendy is able to get some hits in from the back, but Omir eventually throws her in front of him and she gets struck with a bullet. He picks the Stone up and fires at Stan, destroying part of the window as Wendy gets to her feet. Omir burns her stomach with his staff, but the wounds close up quickly.

Realizing that she is a Wraith, Omir drops the Stone and breaks her arm as she tries to hit him with her axe. She recovers quickly and the two fight, Wendy dropping for several seconds at a time before recovering and continuing to attack. She almost land an overhand slice at Omir's neck, but the results are a small cut and a ruined bow-tie. Furious, Omir grabs Wendy's axe and causes the handle to snap and the metal to break, the force throwing Wendy back and to the ground.

Stone wraps pin Wendy to the ground at her neck and limbs, Stan and Soos threatening Omir to let her go. Omir makes the pain worse, Stan recognizing Wendy's pained screaming from his Summerween nightmare. Not wanting another person to get hurt because of him, he agrees to let Omir in despite Soos' protests. An unarmed Stan opens the door and tells Omir to let Wendy go, but Omir insists she stay trapped while he handles his business. Picking the Stone up, he reminds them about the curse of a wraith and what will happen to her, laughing at them for thinking of Wendy as a friend.

Soos attacks, stunning Omir for several seconds while Stan grabs a baseball bat. By the time he turns around, Omir has pinned Soos to the ceiling, the wood wrapping around his mouth and nose. Stan begs Omir to let Soos breath, breaking down into tears, mumbling that he can't go through this again. Omir frees Soos' nose, Stan collapsing to the ground in relief while Omir heads deeper into the building. White light comes from the hallway, and Omir comes back, telling Stan that Yuki will be fixed in a few hours. Pulling a shocked Stan to his feet, Omir tells him that he won't regret giving him access to the Portal. Making sure Soos will survive, Stan punches the code into the vending machine and leads the way into the basement.

Underground, Mabel punches out the 38th Lycanrope, the three of them taking a minute to breathe. Graupner conjures a large ball of blackflame with the intent of hurling it at Arline, but something loud from up above distracts them. Hoping for the Guardsman, they are confused when music hits their ears. Out of the shadows comes Zander, playing the electric guitar in his hand. He apologizes to Mabel for almost leaving, and promises to make up for it by giving the three of them a way out.

He offers to fight Graupner and the Lycanropes while Arline and the twins go be war heroes, but everyone is doubtful of his abilities. Graupner throws the fireball at Zander, who jumps onto a lower bridge to avoid it. He pulls out a pair of hedge clippers and cuts the support wires for the bridge. One end falls, and he quickly uses his guitar as a weapon against the Lycanropes while the twins begin to climb the bridge out of the pit. Arline and Zander stare at each other for several seconds, Arline admitting that she was wrong about him. Zander tells her to protect the twins before she follows them, leaving Zander with his scarf as a weapon for the fight.

Back on Mabel's bike, Arline tells the twins that they have to find her Master in order to beat Omir. The sounds of war reaching their ears as they drive towards the exit, Mounted Troupe Mystery Squad Delta emerges into chaos. Passing Manly Dan and Chutzpar bonding and fighting, they are forced to stop near the combined force of Toby, Tyler and Gib when Pacifica's parents block their path, a gun held in Preston's hand.

The Northwest's ask them where Pacifica is, accusing them of getting her involved in the war, telling them Zander said he hadn't seen her. Mabel tells him what Zander told them about them calling the cops on him if he didn't give Pacifica to them, but the Northwests tell them that that never happened. As the three try to figure out what that means about Zander, two fireballs land in the midst of the war, exploding Lycanropes left as right.

Atop Magenta's back, Pacifica circles around and land in front of the five people after he father yells at her. As Preston reprimands her for delaying their evacuation of town, Pacifica takes the gun and extra rounds from him, and begins heading back towards Magenta. Preston threatens to cut her out of the family entirely if she continues, but Pacifica tells him that she doesn't care about that. Catching Mabel's eye, she says she has other family before telling the three of them to handle things while she helps in the war.

Pacifica runs back to Magenta as Mabel takes off again, passing by her friends and Wendy's friends fighting together. Leaving the war behind, they start the drive back to the Manor, happy with the lack of smoke or visible damage coming from that direction. The twins admit that they are nervous but not scared, Arline assuring them that her Master will help out and they will be able to save the day.

In the elevator, Stan asks Omir how he found out about the Portal. Omir says that three years ago, a muse in a dream told him where in the US to look to return his 'golden soul.' He says the 'golden soul' is his love Haddiya as Stan turns on the power to everything, commenting that when similar things happened before, things always got worse. The lights coming on, Stan has a flashback to three years ago, him and a possessed Ford fighting while Ford, possessed by Bill, tried to flood the world with un-reality by using the Portal.

Remembering that stopping Bill had caused them to forever loose Ford, Stan tries to get Omir to change his mind, but Omir refuses, and Stan is forced to open the door to the Portal room. As Omir walks in, Stan's eye catches something forgotten on one of the tables. Grabbing the weapon, Stan nervously informs Omir that the Portal doesn't have power anymore. Omir causes an arc of electricity to come from the Stone and connect with the Portal, powering the machine.

Stan changes the setting on the weapon from 'three months' to 'a lifetime' and aims it at Omir as the Portal gets more powerful. Omir tells him laser guns do nothing against him, but Stan tells him that it's a mind gun before firing. The light from the gun connects with Omir's staff, pushing him backwards and closer to the increasing-in-power Portal. Omir connects the Stone to his staff, the feedback traveling through the light stream and causing the mind-gun to explode.

Stan is thrown backwards and crashes through the glass window in the wall between the control room and Portal room, collapsing unmoving to the ground. Omir takes a few second to recover from what could have been a terrible attack before continuing to use the Stone to power the Portal. Lowering the Stone to the ground, light starts coming out of the Portal, Omir dropping to his knees in shock that his plan actually worked. After taking a moment to enjoy the event, he touches the Stone again and begins to change the dimensional gate into a reality gate so he can find Haddiya.


On the road to the Manor, the twins both feel like something bad is coming, a feeling that isn't helped by the realization that the ground is shaking. With the Manor in sight, Dipper and Arline jump off the bike when they see Wendy trapped by rock. Mabel, after letting her bike fall to the ground, joins them, and they break Wendy free. Grabbing her broken axe head, the four go inside to see Soos in the ceiling and the vending machine doorway open.

The shaking underground picks up momentarily. Arline admits that she knew about the Portal since Summerween before heading behind the vending machine. Using Wendy's axe head, she and the twins are able to get Soos out of the ceiling. They follow Soos as he runs deeper into the building, the four of them staring into Yuki's room in shock. A smile on his face, they notice that a number of burns have been replaced by pale skin.

Soos explains what happened between Stan and Omir and the deal that was made before the shaking from underground picks up again. Arline yells at them from downstairs and the four go behind the vending machine to where she is waiting by the elevator. Soos, then an increasingly impatient Arline, attempt to bring the elevator up, to no avail. The shaking gets even worse, and they decide to slide down the elevator cables instead, Mabel hollering her Strongholds and Serpents name on the way down.

On top of the elevator, Arline jumps through an emergency door, gasping at the sight below. she tries to tell the twins to stay above, but Dipper, then Mabel, and the others, eventually drop down as well. Dipper runs over the broken glass on the floor to check Stan's unconscious form, relieved upon discovering a pulse. The five look through where the window should be to see Omir doing whatever-it-is to the Portal using the Stone, the room awash with rainbow light.

Arline says that they don't have time to wait for the Guardsman to show up, so it's up to them to be heroes together. They rush out, Arline's arms aflame, but her punch is blocked by a yellow barrier around Omir's body. He says they can't beat him, but Arline is able to punch a fireball through the barrier, shattering it and giving them access to Omir. Most attacks are blocked, but eventually they are able to knock him down temporarily.

The twins try to get the Stone, but rock hands grab the five of them and hold them in place. Omir comments that they can't really say they are the good guys, especially considering what Dipper was doing to Graupner the day before. Arline, furious at Omir for killing her family, begins the same internalizing-fire trick from yesterday, the rock holding her in place falling away. Charging, she is able to superheat Omir's staff before getting pushed away, gouging lines into the stone floor. Using the heated rock she pulled out of the ground, she is able to scorch Omir's face. Furious, Omir levitates Arline and slams her into the ground, rock hands grabbing her as he tells everyone to stop fighting him and let him-

RIGHT HOOK! Stan punches Omir hard enough to knock him down and give him a chance to free everyone from the rocks. Omir, however, uses the magic in the Stone to heal himself, putting up another yellow barrier. The shaking stops, and stars appear in the Portal. Calling on Haddiya (who we find out was most likely a great Magician in her time), Omir touches the Starkissed Stone of Conservation to the now-Reality Portal.

The room begins to go grayscale, a strange yet familiar feeling passing through everyone. A circle with nine sections appears, the shape and color of the Stone appearing at where 11 would be. Moving counter-clockwise, Yuki's astronaut gear, Zander's scarf (with the same coloring at the Stone), Omir's bow-tie, Stan's broken glasses, Mabel's flaming hand, Graupner's one-eyed skull, Dipper's bandaged-wrapped hands, and Wendy's broken axe, all take their places. Buzzing that the twins recognize as laughter fills their air as a triangle appears in the middle of the circle.

His eye opening as his form solidifies, Bill enters the room, yelling about freedom. Catching up with everyone and introducing himself to Arline, whom he names Bells, he turns to Omir after he is called Muse. Omir, having recognized Bill's voice, asks where Haddiya is. Bill explain to Omir, whom he calls Snappy, that Haddiya is dead, and everything he did to turn the Dimensional Portal into a Reality Portal was a trick by Bill to get himself out of the void, not bring Haddiya back from the afterlife.

The others tell Bill they won't let him escape, but Bill says he doesn't really care about that. Taking the Stone from Omir, he says that what he really wants is for them to go into the void he was in while he remakes the reality of the world. Before anyone can respond to this, he tosses the Starkissed Stone of Conservation into the Portal. Bill explains to a fuming Omir that he couldn't make deals while in the void, but now he is able to fid people to sucker and deals to exploit. Telling everyone to enjoy their inevitable stay in the void, Bill disappears and color returns to the world.

Omir has time to say that Bill took the Stone, and Arline has time to take one step towards Omir before the Portal starts spewing lightning, the bolts eating at rock. As Omir just stands in shock, still trying to process what just happened with Bill, Stan runs back into the Control Room to figure out why the Portal is acting up. Arline says they need to turn it off, but Dipper points out it was never turned on in the first place, so everything they have is useless. Mabel questions Bill's parting words, Dipper saying they aren't going to jump in the Portal and go in the void anytime soon.

Stan comes back out with info papers in his hands. He says that the power in the Portal is too high to be recorded, and that the quantum-based energy has been turned into something else. Dipper says that it turned into a Reality Portal, Stan explaining that the Portal would shut down automatically if things got rough, but the change means it doesn't know what's wrong with it, so it can't do that.

A large bolt of lightning hits nearby, eating way at more rock. Stan explains that the Portal is keeping itself fueled by eating away at Reality itself, and he admits that things probably won't end well. He informs them that they are literally looking at the end of the world, the power of the Portal yanking the papers from his hands. Arline convinces him to fight, and he starts barking out orders, telling Arline to get the twins, Soos, Wendy, and anyone else they can out of town while he plays hero.

Realizing what Stan intends to do, they try to get him to come with them, Soos practically begging him to come. Stan tosses Soos the keys to his El Diablo and gives him one last order- protect the twins and Wendy, and himself, until he comes back. Soos drags the protesting twins and Wendy into the elevator, Mabel telling Arline Stan can't stay behind alone. Arline says she knows, Stan yelling at her to not do it, but Arline hits the button to send the elevator upstairs, Mabel calling down to her as she stays behind as well.

Stan tells her to get up there and out of town, but Arline says she knows how to help Stan delay what's coming. Stan starts trying to feed energy into the Portal using the machinery while Arline stands by a still shocked Omir, lighting herself on fire and allowing the lightning bolts to eat away at the flames. The bolts, however, start eating away at he as well, and she eventually collapses, one more big bolt aiming directly at her.

Omir finally snaps out if it and blocks the lightning bolt with his staff, pulling Arline to her feet. He says he understands why someone, presumably the Guardsman, choose her, and the two begin feeding energy into the Portal again. Between their constand feeding, and Stan upping his source when the forces spike, they are able to make to Portal go mostly black, just a small ball of light remaining. Stan has just enough time to pick up a picture of the 12-year-old twins goofing for the camera before the readings skyrocket and the ball of light explodes, eating away at everyone and everything in the room.

And then some, as the twins are thrown off the stairs by the force of half of the building exploding because of the light. Mabel's scrapbook for this summer spills pictures everywhere, but the twins abandon them and the rest of their belongings in favor of getting out of the building, Mabel picking up a panicking Waddles as they run outside.

She places Waddles in Dipper's car as Soos steps away from the El Diablo, the seats laid down so Yuki can be taken with them. However, the light expands to consume most of the building and reach into the sky, and they are forced to leave him behind. Soos in the El Diablo, Dipper, Wendy and Waddles in Dipper's car, and Mabel on her bike, the three vehicles make it down the driveway to the Manor and onto the highway, heading towards town.

The four on the highway, as well as everyone and everything fighting in town, watch as the column of light reaching into the sky disappears, then returns with a vengeance. The earth shakes and what was once a column of light now becomes a quickly growing sphere, consuming everything in sight, the town included. The shaking of the earth throws Mabel off balance, and she falls off her bike, hitting the rough highway hard.

Dipper slams on the brakes and gets out of his car, running towards Mabel as Wendy takes over driving. Pulls a struggling Mabel to her feet, he assists her onto the bike then climbs on in front of her. Light blazing around them, he begins driving the bike after Soos and Wendy, desperate to avoid the gaining light of destruction. Their backs burning with the light behind them, the back tire of the bike begins to lift up-

And the light disappears entirely. Confused, the three vehicles slow down and the drivers reunite by the side of the road, staring at... trees. Normal trees. No destruction behind them. Just forest, like nothing changed. Wendy insists there is something wrong, however, and they all agree to head back and check.

Mabel and Wendy now in Dipper's car, Dipper leads the way on Mabel's bike, passing nothing. Dipper slowly realizes that he is passing nothing, no paths to town or signs promoting the Manor. His concern is stopped temporarily upon seeing a road, but as it leads to a wooden building named Sparkle Lake Park Ranger Station, his concern and confusion returns.

The vehicles park and everyone agrees with Wendy's feeling of something being very wrong. Dipper and Wendy go into the building while Soos and Mabel take a minute outside. Inside, a relieved Wendy starts looking at tourism pamphlets as Dipper talks to the Ranger behind the desk. The Ranger awkwardly tells Dipper that nothing apocalyptic happened recently, relieving Dipper.

He asks how to get to Gravity Falls as Wendy starts rushing through the pamphlets. The Ranger says he's never heard of Gravity Falls, or Scuttlebutt Lake, or anything else local Dipper mentions. Wendy asks the Ranger what the date is, and his response is what they expected, although everything they mention, from the Corduroy Lumber Company to the Manor itself, doesn't ring a bell for the Ranger. He guesses Dipper and Wendy are pranking him or something, but they say they aren't before leaving the building.

Wendy tries to tell Soos and Mabel what they discovered, but Dipper is the one to actually say that Gravity Falls no longer exists. Staring at his reflection in the car, he is unable to face the others as he explains that the light was a Reality Explosion, and that since it destroyed Reality, anyone and anything caught in the blast zone would have never existed to begins with.

Wendy starts pacing and shaking at the thought of everyone and everything she's known being gone. Mabel begins crying at the loss of Stan, Yuki, and her Master, holding on to Dipper for support. Dipper yells at himself that he doesn't know how to fix this. Demanding to know how they can fix everything, the answer comes from behind them. Dipper stays facing the car, watching the reflections of his friends as they turn around to face the Guardsman, cloak covering his body and mask on his face as he comes out of the trees.

He says that while the town is gone, as well as the Stone and any hope of stopping Omir, he was able to escape. Dipper tells him about them and Arline expecting him to show up and demands to know where he was. He gives them a paper he took from Omir and Graupner's underground base that details their plan with the Lycanropes. He said that, after he discovered it following his fight with Omir, he tried to get people out and minimize casualties, but those he tried to save didn't exactly accept his help.

Dipper asks if anyone else escaped, the Guardsman saying no one they would want to know. Wendy mentions that his job was to protect the Stone, but he says his new job is to undo the damage Omir caused. Dipper tells him they can't do anything about that, breaking down as he realizes that he doesn't know anything they can do to bring the town back.

The Guardsman admits that nothing else can be done today, and that today, they lost, seeming to clamp down on any semblance of hope Dipper had left. "However," the Guardsman reaches up and begins undoing the mask covering his face. "There will always be a new day," Zander Maximillion said, lowering the mask in his hands.

After the Author's Note in which EZB mentions an upcoming hiatus, we go back to the Ranger, who has just sat down after making sure there isn't any nasty surprises waiting for him. A figure bursts into the room demanding to speak to an authority figure. The Ranger, after recovering from the shock, asks a middle-aged man with glasses on his face and a long coat in his hands what the problem is.

The man asks where Gravity Falls is, immediately loosing the Ranger's attention. Furious at the Ranger's uncaring attitude, the man slams a six-fingered fist onto the desk. The Ranger tells him the date, informing him over thirty years have passed. Before the man leaves, the Ranger mentions the kids coming past and asking about Gravity Falls and dates. Shocked at this information, Stanford Pines steps outside and contemplates his next move. Above him, he is shocked as pictures begin falling out of the sky. Grabbing one out of the air in front of him, he stares down at Stanley and the rest of the gang from the picture taken two days ago, the Manor, which he barely recognizes as his lab, behind the group. With a goal in mind and the picture to assist him in his search, the young Ford walks over to the bus stop so he can begin looking for the twins.

Gsviv droo zodzbh yv z mvd wzb. Hvzhlm Gsivv droo yvtrm hsligob.
There will always be a new day. Season Three will begin shortly.
Ay ybz pihsd tung trvx aai we d jxvvjk nuame gms nrjws 'Nsr kkw wal bwco uhmr' nb tdwlee tf rwttsu, N kzod tlytk prm mo nsmkkagg lti'u oade vshf Vwtsbs hyuwx. Jhxh ydnx tuj gljyxsgnce dk iaey cw wzx rrawvz. Keyword 
If you break this code and in a review, write the words 'And the day will come' in Caesar or Atbash, I will allow you to anything you'd like into Season three. Just have the suggestion as part of the review.
