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Recap / The Return To Gravity Falls S 1 E 1 Season One Prologue

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After their first day of school following their return from Gravity Falls, Dipper starts working on homework. He hears his parents shouting downstairs, but attempts to focus back on his assignment when Mabel comes in, complaining about being bored. She suggests trying to find out if their neighbors garden gnomes are spies, which Dipper tells her is impossible since they are no longer in Gravity Falls.

Dipper tells Mabel to do her homework, but she says she can't with their parents being loud. She reveals that she overheard them talking, and tells Dipper that she thinks they are going to break up, which Dipper says is possible. Mabel becomes upset, saying that they were supposed to be a happy family, before running out of Dipper's room. Their father comes to check on him, and Dipper says he okay before going to sleep.

Three years pass.

15-year-old Dipper now lives with his mom in Citrus Heights. He walks home from the last day of school excited about the 'secret' car his mother bought for him. Upon returning home, his mother unveils the car. While Dipper examines his new ride, his mother goes inside to answer the phone. Dipper debates driving to Piedmont to visit Mabel, whom he has not seen in almost a year, but decides to just send an email telling her about his car.

His mother comes back outside to tell him that the call was the Northwest's lawyer, telling him his Grunkle Stan passed away, and that he is mentioned in the will. After his initial shock wears off, Dipper decides to go to Gravity Falls, despite it meaning he would miss his summer job. Packing quickly, Dipper leaves, hoping Mabel will show up.

Back in Piedmont, Mabel also returns home from her last day of school, excited about the progress her martial arts teacher says she has made. Her father takes her outside to show her the pink motorcycle he bought. Once Mabel realizes the bike is hers, she grabs onto her father and refuses to let go until the phone rings. Mabel gushes over her bike while her father takes the call.

Her father tells her that Grunkle Stan passed away, but Mabel doesn't believe him, thinking it is part of a trick to get her to help out at the Shack. Mabel decides to go to Gravity Falls anyway, intending to prove Stan is still alive. Her father is doubtful, but once she tells him she knows Dipper will be there too, he agrees to let her go. Mabel leaves, promising to fix the fence she broke in her haste.

Tsurt on eno. Trust no one.
