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Recap / The Jetsons S 1 E 24 Elroys Mob

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When Elroy’s report tape is mixed up with that of his underachieving classmate Kenny Countdown, he runs away from home with Astro and joins a mob run by the infamous Muggsy Megaton.

This episode provides examples of

  • Affably Evil: The mafia lead by infamous Muggsy Megaton.
  • Company Cross References: Elroy's classmate Kenny is slacking off watching the billionth rerun of the Flintstones
  • Denied Food as Punishment: George suspends Elroy and Astro without supper pills.
  • Jerkass Realization: George had this when he found out the truth from Kenny’s father and claims he feels lower than a “Martian midget”.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Off-screen, Kenny got caught with his lie, and is forced by his father (who was holding his ear) to admit the truth to George.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: George and Jane felt horribly guilty (mostly George) for not believing in Elroy and causing him to runaway.
  • Pet the Dog: There was two moments. The first one when even though Jane and Judy were dissapointed in Elroy over the bad grades, they felt like George punishment of no supper pills was going too far. The second moment was Astro was being the only one who believed Elroy was telling the truth.
  • Shout-Out: Here's what George says about having fun when he has got to drop Astro off for his morning walk
    George: I'd rather have fun with a saber-toothed tiger
