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Recap / The Expanse S 04 E 05 Oppressor

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Season 4, Episode 5:


As tensions on Ilus reach a boiling point, Belters retaliate by taking hostages, prompting Holden to tell them the truth about Miller.

Avasarala and Nancy Gao do a debate session in the run up to the election.


  • Cassandra Truth: Unsurprisingly, nobody believes Holden when he decides to tell them the truth about Miller.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Lucia hits this after her husband, Jakob, angrily tells her that their daughter is missing and berates her for her part in the downing of the Barbapiccola.
  • Hostage Situation: Two of the RCE crewmembers are taken hostage.
  • Interrupted Suicide: Lucia tries to kill herself out of guilt, but Alex manages to save her life.
  • Mexican Standoff: Between the RCE and the Belter Colonists after the latter have taken two of the former's crew hostage.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Lucia feels immense guilt in her role in taking down RCE's heavy shuttle, so much so that she decides to let herself die of her wounds. Alex manages to bring her back around.
  • Wham Shot: Alex sees something that looks like a nuclear explosion on an island of Ilus.
