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Recap / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Ch 071

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Naddy notices Chiyo walking by and, sensing something is amiss with her, invites her to McDonald's for a chat. At the restaurant, Chiyo explains that she saw two of her classmates, Akogare and Manesu, smoking cigarettes at a nearby park and has been trying to get them to stop. Naddy's advice gets disapproval from Chiyo, but the latter thanks the former for helping her get her feelings off her chest, and the two swear each other to secrecy.

The next day, Chiyo heads off to the park to confront Akogare and Manesu. As she tries to bargain with her classmates, Naddy jumps in to implement her own tactics. Threatening to lasso the girls into obedience prompts Chiyo to tackle her away from them. Akogare and Manesu quickly flee the scene, promising to change their ways for the better. Rentarou, who had his own routine prepared for them, leaves without either of his girlfriends knowing he was there.

As Chiyo and Naddy discuss each other's ways of doing things, a pair of police officers arrive to interrogate Naddy regarding a disturbance report. As they talk, Chiyo contemplates whether Naddy was in the right before deciding to leave with Naddy in tow. The cops discuss what they saw before deciding the report isn't worth pursuing.

The next day, Akogare and Manesu have made good on their promise, modeling themselves after Chiyo and explaining that they were only pretending to smoke in the park.


  • Pinky Swear: Chiyo swears Naddy to secrecy with this.
  • Product Placement: McDonald's makes an appearance for Naddy to talk to Chiyo.
  • Self-Deprecation: Akogare and Manesu claim that 100GF is more expensive and worse for the brain than cigarettes.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The crew debates what Totoro is supposed to be.
    • The whole delinquent part is a reference to this Japanese comedy duo bit.
    • Chiyo suggests her delinquent classmates buy manga rather than cigarettes. They retort that there're so many volumes of One Piece out they wouldn't even get through the "East Blue" arc on their allowance.
    • After seeing Chiyo and Naddy resolve the issue with Chiyo's classmates, Rentarou quietly leaves the park thinking "DJ 'No Smoking Before 20' withdraws coolly".
  • Spit Take: This is Naddy's response to Chiyo revealing that some of her classmates are underage smokers, which she tries to hide by claiming she can't handle soda.
