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Recap / The 100 Girlfriends Who Really Really Really Really Really Love You Ch 0415

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Volume 5 Bonus Chapter: The Birth of a Monster

Ikuya Sutou is the oldest of three siblings. When he was a young boy, his sister Iku wanted to learn baseball, but couldn't get over the pain that came with playing the game. He decided to give her a pep talk to help her push past setbacks, and fortunately, she was able to improve her game by pushing herself further. Unfortunately, she began pushing herself too far for her body to handle.

And then one night, he woke up in the middle of the night to find Iku hitting herself with a bat using an electric fan.

Now with Iku in high school, Ikuya is relieved that he didn't turn his sister into a monster.

Or so he thinks...


  • Freudian Excuse: Iku's masochism was the result of being encouraged to improve her game by pushing herself to painful extremes.
  • Mirror Character: The God of Love notes that PostBeautySeekingContest!Rentarou looks familiar.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Iku's brother fears that his pep talk turned Iku into a monster.
  • Rule of Three: Kusuri tries to clean the field with two rakes, again justifying it with the inherent coolness when questioned.
  • Shout-Out: Pazu attempts to catch a girlfriend, only to be intercepted by Rentarou. The God of Love wears sunglasses, claiming to be Master Roshi.
