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Recap / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) S04E12 "Superhero for a Day"

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An old superhero comes out of retirement to tries recapturing his glory days and it gives Krang and Shredder a sinister idea.


  • Badass Normal: Gadgetman has no superpowers of his own, instead relying on a toolbox full of zany gadgets.
  • Engineered Heroics: Krang and Shredder stage a failed bank robbery to make Gadgetman look like a competent hero as a distraction to siphon power for the Technodrome.
  • Genre Blindness: Despite being an Old Superhero with years of experience, Gadgetman believes Shredder (who's threatened the world on live TV in the past) when he tells him that he's a superhero agent who wants to sponsor him. Like in previous episodes, Shredder doesn't even bother disguising himself properly.
  • I Coulda Been a Contender!: Gadgetman comes out of retirement when he sees the Turtles stopping crime. He acts as though standards have dropped for heroes, when really he just misses his glory days.
  • Mundane Solution: The Turtles are trapped in the power plant which will explode when it reaches critical mass. What does April do? She unplugs it.
    Raphael: What do you expect? It's a cartoon.
  • Old Superhero: Gadgetman is a retired hero who was active when Burne and Bebop were children and he decides to come out of retirement when he sees the Ninja Turtles stop a burglary.
  • Super Zeroes: Gadgetman might have been amazing in his prime, but now he's out of shape and out of practice, so all of his attempts at heroism when he comes out of retirement fall flat.
