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Recap / Super Mario Logan Jeffys Lunch Money

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Black Yoshi sees Mario giving money to Jeffy for lunch so he dresses as Jeffy to get money.


  • Comically Missing the Point: When Black Yoshi finds out that Mario pays Jeffy to wash the dishes and take out the trash, he decides to do so himself for the money. His idea of washing dishes is to "watch the dishes" by looking at them, and his idea to take out the trash is by having a dinner date with it.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Black Yoshi says that a state above Tennessee is "11C". The first three letters in Tennessee is T-E-N which is true but Black Yoshi still thinks it’s said as 10C.
  • Never Trust a Title: Although the title has Jeffy’s name on it, he’s not the main focus as Black Yoshi is.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Jackie Chu was at his worst when Black Yoshi as Jeffy started to say incorrect states and really pissed him off.
