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Recap / Star vs. the Forces of Evil S2 E13 "Goblin Dogs"

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Star and her friends wait in the longest food truck line ever for the universe’s best hot dog, the Goblin Dog.


  • Art Shift: The Goblin Dog hallucination is drawn in a different style.
  • Call-Back: Pony Head shows up again, and reveals a bit of what happened after the events of "St. Olga's Reform School for Wayward Princesses".
  • Continuity Nod: One of the customers waiting in line is the "pork-chops" lady from "Quest Buy".
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: When the goblin rolls up with a T-shirt launcher for people waiting in line, one woman goes "In my mouth! I want it in my mouth!"
  • Flying on a Cloud: Star use Cloudy to fly during the chase scene.
  • Fun with Acronyms: The group try to get into the VIP line, but they are just pressured into buying merchandise. Turns out VIP here stands for "Very Interested in Purchasing merchandise".
  • Head Pet: It turns out Kelly's boyfriend Tad is a little furry thing that sits on her head and blends in perfectly with her hair.
  • Impossibly Delicious Food: Goblin Dogs are hyped up as "the best hot dog in the universe".
  • Mushroom Samba: When Star and friends finally try some Goblin Dogs, they're apparently delicious enough to result in vivid hallucinations.
  • The Quiet One: Kelly doesn't say a thing until near the end of the episode.
  • Right on Queue: Most of the episode is composed of Star, Marco, Princess Pony Head, and Kelly waiting in a ridiculously long line for Goblin Dogs.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Marco eventually has enough of waiting in line and dealing with Roy's antics and considers going back home, but Star and Pony Head convince him to stay.
  • Secret Test of Character: After Star and company call shenanigans and confront Roy about keeping people waiting for Goblin Dogs, he eventually reveals the whole ordeal was a test they've just passed, and finally gives them some Goblin Dogs.
  • Secretly Wealthy: Marco just happens to be carrying six hundred and fifty dollars around in his pocket, that he mentions then spends like it's no big deal. We later find out the why and how.
  • Special Guest: Jerry Trainor voiced Roy the Goblin Dog vendor.
