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Recap / Star Trek Voyager S 7 E 8 Nightingale

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While Voyager is settling down for a long-needed maintenance cycle, Icheb really begins to show his worth in the incredible efficiency he brings to engineering tasks. Meanwhile, on a search for resources, Kim, Neelix and Seven stumble into the middle of a space battle, between the Kraylor and the Annari; the former find their officers all dead and in need of our heroes' assistance...

Contains examples of:

  • Acquired Situational Narcissism: Harry decorates his office as though it's a permanent assignment, rhapsodizes in his personal log that he was born to command, and snaps at anyone who tries to give him a suggestion.
  • Affably Evil: According to Loken, the Annari come as friends and then annex you without warning.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Poor Icheb; he's got it hard for B'Elanna, but of course she's married. He is convinced, though, that she's the one in love with him, and 'breaks it off' — to spare his feelings as much as possible, she acquiesces.
  • Ambiguous Situation: It's never definitively shown if the Kraylor are telling the truth about the Annari. Harry is incensed when he realizes that Loken lied about their mission and immediately tries to return to Voyager, but ultimately he helps them get the cloak back to their people.
  • Call-Back: When Harry's wanting to break through the Sidekick Glass Ceiling: "You've always been Captain Proton; I've always been Buster Kincaid. It's my turn this time."
  • The Chains of Commanding:
    • Harry wants some of his own, dang it! If he were in the Alpha Quadrant, he'd be a lieutenant commander by now! Fortunately, Janeway is inclined to grant Harry's request for his first command mission. Unfortunately, Harry Took a Level in Jerkass, being a constant perfectionist and non-delegator until Seven gives a What the Hell, Hero? speech.
    • Neelix claims that the chains take hold even when ordering food!
    • And his first time out, he suffers a mutiny. Way to go, Harry! Fortunately, he recovers in time to complete the mission.
  • I Surrender, Suckers: Part of Harry's Batman Gambit to get the Annari off their backs.
  • Loophole Abuse: Harry claims that since their assistance of the passengers is a humanitarian mission, it doesn't violate the Prime Directive even though it definitely interferes in alien species' conflicts. Janeway doesn't agree, though she probably would have done the same thing.
  • Oh, Crap!: Three Annari warships are now orbiting the planet where Voyager is landed...
  • Not That Kind of Doctor: Loken presents himself as a physician, but his story falls apart when Harry asks him to treat Seven. Turns out he's an engineer.
  • Mauve Shirt: Dayla. When she dies repairing the cloak, Harry takes it as a sign he's unfit to command.
  • Running the Blockade: The Kraylor's home planet has been under a stranglehold blockade for years, leading them to develop a cloaking device for the purpose of getting through it.
  • Sidekick Glass Ceiling: Harry sure wants to break through this, and Tom has to admit he has a point in wanting to try.
  • Title Drop: The name Harry chooses for the Kraylor medical transport helmed by passengers, after Florence Nightingale!
  • What Would X Do?: Harry justifying his actions to Janeway, with the variation that "X" refers to The Captain herself.
    Janeway: You've put me in a difficult position, Ensign. We could use the help the Annari are offering, but if they find out we're aiding their enemy—
    Harry: I couldn't just stand by and do nothing.
    Janeway: That doesn't justify getting involved in somebody else's fight.
    Harry: What would you have done?
    Janeway: Probably exactly what you did.
    Harry: I guess I learned from the best.
