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Recap / SD Gundam Force Ep 8 A Princess A Cake And The Winged Knight

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Zero is troubled over his past failure to save Lacroa from the Dark Axis. Meanwhile, Destroyer Dom enters Neotopia to launch a solo strike, and attacks the baking complex where Sayla is making a cake for the mayor's birthday. Can Zero save this princess?

Zako Zako Hour

About the Bagu Bagu and Destroyer Dom's Gallop.


  • Big Damn Hero: Captain and Bakunetsumaru jump in the battle at the end to aid Zero.
  • Damsel in Distress: Sayla. This time, she has absolutely no idea that she's even in danger!
  • Dumbass Has a Point: Destroyer comes to Neotopia alone, claims that the Gundams only notice when the Dark Axis attacks in large numbers. He's right, a small enough Zakurello Gate won't be noticed by the SDG's sensors.
  • Surrounded by Idiots: Destroyer of all people has that reaction when he sees that the weapons have been emptied from his Gallop by two Zakos.
  • Spanner in the Works: Destroyer's plan to attack Neotopia is ruined by a pair of Zakos who empty the weapons from his Gallop to clean it.
