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Recap / Resident Alien S 2 E 16 I Believe In Aliens

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The alien assassin, identifying himself as Joseph, offers Harry an escape pod that will take him back to his home world. Harry considers it as his future self tried and failed to stop The Greys, viewing it as hopeless. He starts a goodbye tour. Robert, who had been staying in Harry's cabin, chooses to leave to live his own life and Harry gives him the remaining alien ball. Sahar also stops by to give goodbye gifts to Baby, with Harry finally settling on a name for him, Bridget.

Liv receives the news of Peter's death in an SUV and finds his van. Against Mike's orders, she takes it and starts investigating his death, believing it to be a cover up. While angry with her at first, Mike notices the timeline doesn't add up and covers for Liv when two officers come looking for the van. He discovers the officers are imposers and agrees to help Liv look into Peter's death.

Harry marches up the mountain to the escape pod with Bridget. He reflects on his life on Earth and how he has changed. Ultimately, he chooses to stay, sending Bridget in the pod alone. He returns home to find Asta playing his goodbye message. D'Arcy, having discovered that (human) Harry killed Sam and Asta has been covering for him, confronts her at the cabin. Harry reveals his true for to her, bringing her in on their shared secret. Later, General McCallister's soldiers come to capture Harry, having been baited by Peter's hard drive. Harry willingly goes with them to meet the General to ally with her.

Elsewhere, Joseph applies for the job of the new town deputy. While Robert is waiting for the bus, the Greys find and abduct him, taking the alien ball from him. Ben is also shown next to him, as is his unborn child.


  • Bluff the Impostor: Two cops show up at Liv's house looking for Peter's van. They check her garage only to find her husband and Mike playing cards. After confirming which city the cops are from, Mike asks them to remind a fictional officer he still owes him $30, which they agree to. He explains to Liv there is no such officer after they leave.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: Harry spared General McCallister in the previous episode because Goliath told him she was needed to fight The Greys.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Asta refused to let Harry simply throw out the real Harry's cooler where kids could find it, keeping it in her room. D'Arcy finds it when getting her stuff, leading to the Internal Reveal below.
  • Enemy Mine: Harry describes an opponent as someone on the opposite side as you. He comes to realize that with the fate of the world at stake, General McCallister may be willing to work with him to save it.
  • Faked Food Contaminant: As the time stop ends, Harry plucks a fly frozen in the air and puts it in his food. He complains about it and leaves without paying.
  • I Choose to Stay: The Greys offer Harry an escape pod back to his home planet just to be rid of him after striking a deal with his people. He sends his child away in it but remains on Earth.
  • Internal Reveal: D'Arcy finds the cooler and realizes (human) Harry killed Sam. Soon after, she finds out this Harry is an alien when confronting Asta about it.
  • Play-Along Prisoner: The soldiers bring Harry in handcuffs to General McCallister, who asks if he wants her to remove the cuffs or do it himself. He chooses the latter. She then calls her men idiots for bothering with the cuffs.
  • Put on a Bus: Harry puts the alien baby, now named Bridget, on the escape pod to send him to his home planet.
  • "Ray of Hope" Ending: The Greys have made it clear they are not to be trifled with and the details of their invasion are still unclear, but Harry has renewed his convictions to save the world and has made an ally in General McCallister.
  • Secret Underground Passage: With the black site compromised, General McCallister relocates to a mothballed base. It is accessed by an elevator hidden behind a fake brick wall.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Joseph asks why Harry doesn't just lock his office to keep Ellen from stealing his food, which he is too lazy to do.
  • There Was a Door: A variation. The soldiers break down Harry's doors when entering his cabin. He informs them they were unlocked and that he will send them a bill.
  • Title Drop: Doing an interview for an alien experiencer documentary, Deputy Liv says "I'll do this, okay. I believe in aliens."
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: D'Arcy doesn't care much that Harry is a "dinosaur" and focuses on Asta. In his true form, Harry tries to draw attention to himself and complains about being called a dinosaur.
  • Uterine Replicator: The Greys have tanks they keep the unborn babies they steal in while they develop.
  • Wham Shot:
    • Joseph applies for the job of the new deputy.
    • The Greys abduct not only Robert, taking the ball, but also Ben. They show him his child, stolen from Kate's womb three months ago.
  • What You Are in the Dark: Joseph offers Harry an escape pod that will take him home. He leaves his child on it but at the last minute, he stays on Earth to fight The Greys.
