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Recap / Red Vs Blue S 2 E 10 Radar Love

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Radar Love

Lopez helps fix the tank, and meets Sheila. Meanwhile, the Reds wonder why their robot is obeying the Blues.

This episode has examples of:

  • Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?: The Reds do this while guessing on Lopez's actions.
    Sarge: Quite obviously, the Blue Team has constructed some kind of diabolical mind control ray beam, that they used on Lopez and now he has to do their evil Blue bidding!
    Grif: (hops off the Warthog) Or, since he's a robot, maybe they just reprogrammed him.
    Donut: Or maybe that Blue guy who got killed by the tank came back as a ghost, and now he's possessing Lopez's body. That could also explain why Sarge went nuts when we had the prisoner. The Blue ghost probably possessed him too. And the jeep going nuts was probably just a weird set of coincidences while the guy learned how to use Lopez's body.
  • Wham Line: "Well, buenos dias, cockbites. Guess who's back?"
