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Recap / Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue S1E9 Go Volcanic

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[The previous description was plagiarised from the work’s official episode synopsis. Please replace it with original writing.]

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Banned Episode: This episode is skipped over in the UK for use of a realistic firearm.
  • Bittersweet Ending: The robber saves everyone's life, but still gets arrested for his crimes. When Dana and the bus passengers vouch for him, the police officers say they'll take that into account, but they still take him away.
  • Mugging the Monster: The robber didn't realize one of the people on the bus he'd hijacked was a Power Ranger. He finds out when Dana disarms and kicks his butt.
  • Wham Episode: Queen Bansheera shows up, though only in spectral form.
  • Wham Line:
    Diabolico: Tell me what must be done?
    Bansheera: It is already done.
    [Magmavore lurking in the volcano.]
  • Wham Shot: The robber pulling out an actual revolver, the first time PR used real guns.
