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Recap / Power Rangers Dino Fury Episode Twenty Seven Stitched Up

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Prom is coming up, but Izzy is not thrilled when her mother gives her a dress for the dance.

Episode Tropes:

  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Mrs. Garcia acts like one by taking photos of Izzy and Fern before they go to the prom.
  • Butch Lesbian: More pronounced for Izzy as she reacts with disgust over the thought of her mother giving her a dress for prom. Fortunately, her mother knew that and gave her a suit for the evening as the dress was for Fern.
  • Continuity Nod: The Rangers mention a kung-fu tv show that stars a certain Steel Silva.
  • Given Name Reveal: We finally find out Void Knight's real name: Tarrick.
  • Just Add Water: Junkalo can assimilate any object into his body and then regurgitate new items, or as he likes to call it 'Turning trash into treasure'.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Izzy's reaction when she found out the dress she threw in the trash was for Fern. Thankfully, Izzy's mom was quite understanding and the two work together to make a better dress.
  • Poor Communication Kills: Izzy thinks that her mother wasn't listening to her when she was given a lavender dress for the prom. It's later revealed that it was really a mix-up since Fern got the tuxedo instead.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Javi didn't double check to see if he actually got Izzy's tuxedo, so when she sees the lavender dress, she immediately dumps it in the trash...and regrets it later when it turns out the clothes were swapped.
  • Wham Line: Izzy gets a text from Fern which puts a new spin on what happened earlier.
    Fern: I think our bags got mixed up...I got the tux your mom made for you.
  • Wham Shot: Izzy gets a photo from Fern, who has Izzy's tuxedo.
