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Recap / Peeking Through The Fourth Wall Episode 29

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Lincoln is back on the couch and he has brought Lori, Leni, Lynn, and Lucy. In honour of the birthday of an author known as WyomingParmesan, they will be reading her story The Baby I Learned to Love.

We open on a narrator who says that growing up with ten siblings is hard and takes patience and perseverance. The narrator explains that their talent is sports, revealing it to be Lynn, which surprises Lincoln since he's so used to stories where he's the narrator.

Fanfic Lynn says that Lincoln is the sibling she likes to hang out with most and the real Lynn agrees. Fanfic Lynn then reveals that she used to be mean to Lincoln when they were both very young, and she even hated him. She then explains that she remembers when they brought baby Lincoln home (despite being only two at the time):

In the story, a toddler Lynn gets woken up from her nap to see the newborn Lincoln and her sisters are excited but Lynn Sr. tells them to be quiet since apparently Rita and Lincoln are both tired. He hands Lincoln over to Lynn, but unfortunately he throws up on her. Fanfic Lynn Sr. hugs her and prepares to take her back to bed, while Lynn gushes about how close she is to him.

The real siblings suggest that story Lynn is going to be jealous and Lucy asks Lincoln if he was jealous when she was a baby. He says no— he was scared instead! Leni asks Lori if she was jealous of her, but Lori points out that she was one when Leni was born and by the time Lori was old enough to be jealous, they already had Luna.

The toddler Lynn in the fanfic says that even though Lincoln is a boy, that doesn't make him special. The real Leni agrees, but Lincoln points out that he can't breastfeed or get pregnant. Leni just thinks he needs the right attitude. Back in the story, Lynn gets to hold Lincoln but she's a bit scared of his white hair, decides she dislikes him, and pinches his cheek. The older sisters get mad at her, but fanfic Rita and the real Lynn point out that the Lynn in the story is only two.

Later, in the living room, little Lynn is watching Blarney, while Leni is colouring (and apparently Lynn in the story likes to shove the kindergarten-aged Leni's crayons up her own nose, which Lori confirms is actually true and she nearly got one lodged in her brain twice), The younger fanfic counterparts of Lori and Luan are talking on the couch, while Luna is playing her "piano thingy". The baby Lincoln is upstairs crying and, while Rita takes a nap, Lynn Sr. takes him downstairs.

Fanfic Lynn Sr. tries the swing to cheer Lincoln up and it partially works. It is now lunch time and we get a reveal that the real Lynn once went through a phase where she'd treat random objects like sports balls— which stopped when she found a hornet's nest. Back in the story, Lynn reveals that she likes learning new words and on the couch, Leni reveals that Lynn's first word was "run", Lincoln's was "think", and Lucy's was "dark".

In the story, a first-grade Lori hands Lincoln his pacifier (while Lynn complains about needing to give up hers) and begins to play with him. She invites the toddler Lynn to join in the fun, but she says no because she still doesn't like Lincoln. Fanfic Lori picks her up, which causes the real Lynn to brag about being able lift a huge barbell. Leni can lift it too.

Back in the fanfic, the baby Lincoln loses his pacifier and Lynn wants it. The real Lucy claims that when she was a toddler, her pacifier kept reappearing no matter what the parents did, and she never gave it up. To illustrate her point, she starts sucking on a pacifier... but Lynn reveals that the pacifier is Lily's and the story is fake. Story Lynn decides to hand Lincoln his pacifier, which makes her happy and begins to think maybe he's not so bad after all. She begins to develop familial affection towards him, but doesn't recognise the affection for what it is.

Later, fanfic Rita is on the couch giving her two youngest kids milk, but Lynn is jealous that Lincoln gets their mother's lap. To resolve the situation, Rita lets Lynn feed Lincoln. The real Lynn begins to hug Lincoln and the toddler Lynn in the story warms up to her brother even more when she strokes his hair and hands him his pacifier.

Unfortunately, her animosity towards him returns when he turns six months old and moves into her room. It turns out that that really did happen, but Lynn holds no ill-will since most babies are bad roommates. Lucy asks if she was a bad roommate and Lynn says she was a scary roommate.

One night, baby Lincoln starts acting as though he is having a nightmare. Lynn walks over (and it's revealed that when the real Lincoln was younger and he had nightmares, he'd go into one of his big sisters' rooms, most often Lynn's.) and climbs into bed (well, crib) with him, moving the real Louds.

Back in the present, fanfic Lynn feels bad for occasionally "not loving" Lincoln. The real Lynn says that while she has been mean to Lincoln occasionally, she never stopped loving him. Fanfic Lynn gets a bit teary-eyed and is embarrassed by that, so Lucy (the real one) tells her that being sad is normal but so is being embarrassed.

Fanfic Lynn goes into the living room and hugs Lincoln, admitting she loves him. The end. The episode ends with everyone having a group hug.

This episode provides examples of

  • Adaptational Jerkass: Fanfic Lynn apparently stopped loving Lincoln occasionally, although downplayed as she feels guilty afterwards.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: Apparently, fanfic Lynn's meanness to Lincoln is never intentional. While the real Lynn isn't a bad sister by any means, she does intentionally ruffle his feathers sometimes.
    Lincoln: "You shaved "loser" into the back of my head after beating us at Monopoly."
  • Amusing Injuries: Lynn, when she was younger, once learnt not to treat everything as a ball after finding a hornet's nest.
  • Baby's First Words: According to Leni, Lynn's first word was "run", Lincoln's was "think", and Lucy's was "dark".
  • Baby Talk: The toddler Lynn in the story says phrases like "I tired" and "I wuv you".
  • Black Comedy: According to Lynn, when she felt she was too old for her turtle stuffie, she passed him down to Lincoln, who passed him down to Lucy, who sacrificed him to a demon.
  • Childhood Brain Damage: Some dialogue implies that Leni is the way she is because she shoved a crayon up her nose as a child.
  • Creepy Child: Apparently, when she was a baby, Lucy was so creepy that Lincoln was afraid she'd devour his soul and Lynn could swear she heard Latin chanting in the background whenever she looked at her.
  • The Diaper Change:
    • Fanfic Lynn Sr. changes the baby Lincoln's diaper to try to cheer him up, but it doesn't work.
    • When the baby Lincoln in the story was Lynn's roommate, he would cry for his diaper to be changed in the morning.
  • Early Personality Signs:
    • When Lynn was a toddler, she tried to kick and throw random objects, calling them balls. Also, her first word was "run".
    • Lincoln's first word was "think" and he's been the "Master of Convincing" since his infancy (though back then he simply used his charisma as opposed to actual methods).
    • Lucy's first word was "dark" and, as a baby, she would scare Lincoln and Lynn, the latter of whom could swear she heard Latin chanting whenever she looked at her.
  • Elmuh Fudd Syndwome: In the story, the two-year-old Lynn says, "Pwease" at one point, then later "I wuv you".
  • Flashback: The majority of the fanfic takes place eleven years into the past.
  • Jack of All Trades: Pointed out when Lincoln says that he has several talents, not just one.
  • Hates Being Called Cute: This episode brings back the Running Gag of Leni embarrassing Lincoln by calling him cute.
  • Literal-Minded: Apparently, when Lynn was a toddler (about two or three; when Lincoln was a baby) she took the phrase "bouncing baby boy" too literally and tried to bounce him like a ball.
  • Mister Seahorse: Discussed when Lincoln says that there are some things that men can't do but women can, such as breastfeed and get pregnant, but Leni says that men just need to have the right attitude.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Fanfic Lynn still feels bad about her antagonism towards Lincoln when they were very young.
  • No Infantile Amnesia: Fanfic Lynn has vivid memories of being a two-year-old.
  • Nose Shove: Both fanfic toddler Lynn and the real toddler Lynn have shoved crayons up their noses at times. Leni apparently did too, with disastrous results.
  • Oh, No... Not Again!: Apparently, lodging crayons into one's brain via Nose Shove is not an uncommon occurrence in the Loud House...
    Lori: Well, it was funny until you almost got one lodged in your brain.
    Lori: Actually, even then it was pretty funny to see Dad fall to his knees and cry, "Oh, no, not again!"
    Lincoln: Wait a minute. What do you mean, "again"?
    [Leni glances nervously off to the side.]
  • Ominous Latin Chanting: Lynn says that when Lucy was a baby and looked at her, she could swear she heard Latin chanting in the background, which gave her the creeps.
  • Shout-Out: Lori calls Lynn, "She-Hulk".
  • Single Tear: Lucy cries a single tear when the Lynn in the story decides to console baby Lincoln by sleeping in his crib with him.
  • Sleep Deprivation: When Lynn first meets Lincoln in the story, she's tired and cranky due to having woken up early from her nap.
  • Tears of Joy: The siblings cry happy tears as a response to Lynn climbing into Lincoln's crib in the story after a nightmare.
  • What Is This Feeling?: When the Lynn in the fanfic first feels sisterly love towards Lincoln, she doesn't recognise it, calls it a "strange feeling in her heart", and compares it to feeling nauseous.
