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Recap / One Hundred And One Dalmatians The Series S 1 E 3 Followed Home Love Em Flea Em

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Original airdate: 9/27/1997

He Followed Me Home: A lost circus elephant named Jimbo follows Rolly to the Dearly Farm, and the main pups decide to keep him as their "pet" while also hiding him from the humans. Unbeknownst to them, Cruella knows about Jimbo and tries to expose him to the Dearlys as part of their deed claims that (outside of the animals already living on the property) they're only allowed 101 pets on the farm.

Love 'Em and Flea 'Em: After being treated rudely by Mooch, Two-Tone is asked by Lucky to be his date for the Four Legged Fall Ball that night. But when Two-Tone goes back to tell Mooch, he plans on getting revenge on Lucky by making sure by any means necessary that he won't be attending the dance.

Tropes for "He Followed Me Home":

  • An Aesop: Keeping a pet is a big responsibility.
  • Badly Battered Babysitter: The main pups become this when trying to take care of Jimbo, who turns out to be more trouble than they expected.
  • Door Slams You: Nanny slams the barn door on Cruella as she tries to expose Jimbo, which ends up flattening her on the other side.
  • First Pet Story: An unusual example as the main characters are pets themselves. The pups take in a stray baby elephant, Jimbo, that got separated from a circus. They treat him as their pet and they try to feed him, clean him, and keep him out of trouble all while keeping his existence a secret from Cruella. In the end, they realize that keeping a pet is too much responsibility for them, and let it return to the circus.
  • Floating in a Bubble: A variation. While trying to give Jimbo a bath, Cadpig floats on a bubble.
  • Sneeze of Doom: Jimbo ends up letting out a monster sneeze that sends the pups and Spot flying and crashing onto the side of the Chow Tower.
  • Squashed Flat: Occurs three different times in the episode: the main pups are flattened against the side of the Chow tower after Jimbo sneezes, Cruella is flattened after Nanny slams the barn door on her later, and then towards the end when Jimbo falls off the Chow Tower, he lands on the main pups, doing this to the four of them.

Tropes for "Love 'Em and Flea 'Em":

  • An Aesop: Appearances aren't important; it's what's inside that matters.
  • Brother–Sister Incest: Lucky and Two-Tone become a couple in this episode only. It's established that they're biological siblings, even if that fact isn't outright stated in the episode. This may be why the two don't remain a couple for the rest of the series.
  • Character Development: After being rudely brushed off by him, Two-Tone realizes she doesn't need Mooch, tells him off, and leaves him and his gang. Though due to the show's episodes not being aired in the correct order, several episodes where Two-Tone is still in Mooch's gang air afterward.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Two-Tone, who usually only appears in the background and only has a handful of speaking appearances, gets center stage in this episode.
  • Embarrassment Plot: Lucky is accidentally turned pink after Mooch causes food coloring to fall into his flea bath on the night of the dance. He tries to hide his pink coloration from Two-Tone using flour, but it eventually comes off.
  • Garage Sale: The episode opens with Cadpig and Two-Tone rummaging through a box Nanny puts outside for a yard sale so Two-Tone can find something to wear to the dance. Before she does this, though, she debates on if she loves yard sales (for the bargains) or hates yard sales (because everything's used).
  • High-School Dance: The Four Legged Fall Ball is the closest equivalent for dogs living on a farm. Cadpig mentions how Two-Tone and Mooch "always go together", suggesting similar dances have happened in the past.
  • Iris Out: The episode ends with a heart-shaped one.
  • Through a Face Full of Fur: Mooch turns red with anger when his plans on sabotaging Lucky's date with Two-Tone fail, complete with steam coming out of his ears.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Two-Tone is in love with Mooch at the beginning of the episode. Despite this, and despite him being aware of this, Mooch doesn't treat her very nicely. It's implied he's more upset at her leaving him because he only kept her around for image reasons and not that he actually cared about her.
