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Recap / Ohsama Sentai King Ohger Ep 49 The King Is Here

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The King Is Here

Original Airdate: February 18, 2024
Written by: Minato Takano
Directed by: Kazuya Kamihoriuchi


Upon learning the true purpose of Evacuation Plan Zero, the citizens decide to mutiny against the orders to help their beloved kings.

Can their combined strength bring a miracle to defeat Dagded?


  • Almighty Mom: Nephila once again proves how mighty she is by taking Grodie down all by herself.
  • Back from the Dead: Dagded brings back zombified duplicates of the Jesters to aid his invasion force. They're nowhere near as tough as they were in life; Grodie of all people getting wiped out by Jeramie and his mom.
  • Back-to-Back Badasses: An N'Kosopan citizen and a Sanagim are found fighting off Dagded's army in this manner.
  • Backup from Otherworld: Boshimar, Hymeno's parents, Karras, Iroki, Nephila, and Reinoil along with Dethnaarok all return from Hākabāka to help temporarily fend off Dagded's forces.
  • Badass Boast: The reunited Shuggodom trio proclaim they’re the incarnations of the King’s Wrath.
  • Big Badass Battle Sequence: More like "Big Badass Battle Episode." There's numerous shots of the citizens of Tikyū taking the fight directly to Dagded's zombie invasion - and that's not limited to the experienced soldiers, either.
  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Devonica comes back with Hākabāka's whale to open the gate to the land of the dead to allow some of the past monarchs to return to the battlefield after Dagded summons the deceased Jesters to wreak havoc.
    • As Dagded prepares to launch another attack, Reinol (presumed killed by Dagded at this point) returns and personally destroys most of the army.
  • Breather Episode: Downplayed. This episode is technically the entirety of the globe standing up to Dagded in a massive battle-sequence. However, said sequence isn't meant to hurt the Galactinsect King so much as allow the execution of numerous cameos and side-interactions while the kings recover from their wounds to challenge Dagded to a rematch; bridging the last episode and the finale.
  • The Bus Came Back: Devonica makes her first appearance since the movie.
  • Call-Back:
    • The first citizen that arrives is Edda, the crippled girl Hymeno helped all the way back in #3.
    • Morfonia reunites with Rita reminding them they said they'd be "together forever", which were the words always used with them during their moments in past episodes.
    • Racules’ speech of defiance is a modified version of Gira’s tyrant king speech.
  • The Cavalry: All the citizens, both dead and alive, come back to help the Kings turn the tide with the King's Proofs.
  • Combat and Support: The citizens decide to split off duties, with those combat-capable like Racules deciding to lead the charge, while those who aren't like Kogane and Boone stay in the rear to support those who fight and to help the monarchs recover.
  • Commonality Connection: Karras and Iroki bond over their "troublesome successors" as the two borrow the OhgerCaliburs to fight.
  • Dare To Be Bad Ass: Gira is saved from a stray projectile by Dethnaarok, who tells Gira to to stand his ground as a king lest he exterminate him himself.
  • Death of Personality: The resurrected Jesters have no expression or spoken lines, implying that these are just mindless zombies instead of the genuine articles.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: The entire episode is pretty much just this trope.
  • Do Not Go Gentle: The Episode. Continuing from the citizens' previous decision to unite, the entirety of Tikyū stands against Dagded despite the impossibly-fatal odds to give their rulers a fighting chance.
  • Dramatic Irony: Dagded laughing at the despairing Gira over the evacuation plan failing since the citizens didn't go through with it at all.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Reinol's last words before leaving make the team realize how they can recreate the sixth King's Proof.
  • Evil Laugh: Dagded does an incredibly sadistic one at Gira's expense when the young king believes the citizens were killed.
  • Heroic BSoD: Gira has one when he believes the evacuation plan failed, screaming in despair about the team's sacrifice being pointless.
  • Heroic Bystander: Almost everyone. Besides the retainers, hackers and servants, even the average joe launches into the battle against Dagded's forces with Improvised Weapons galore. This single act of solidarity spits all over Dagded's philosophy of "everyone's ultimately out for themselves" and gives the monarchs just enough time to recuperate and re-arm.
  • Hold the Line: The main purpose of the army is to keep Dagded busy and give enough time for the rest of the kings to recover from their wounds.
  • Hope Spot: Invoked and subverted due to Dramatic Irony. As Gira sees Castle Caucasus Kabuto flying off, Dagded suddenly boasts that their efforts were in vain as the ship suddenly stops flying, prompting Gira to collapse in despair. Viewers already know the citizens didn't bother getting on the ship in the first place.
  • Ironic Echo: Racules' speech representing the citizens' rebellion is one referencing Gira's pledge against him at the start of the series — if the kings' "justice" is for them to flee Tikyū , then they are all the evil tyrants who will defy such "justice" to protect their kings and Tikyū by their own hands.
  • Marshmallow Hell: By the time Jeramie finally wakes up, his face is in his mother’s chest.
  • Meaningful Echo: Racules announces the citizens' decision to help by using a modified speech of Gira's tyrant king spiel.
  • Mood Whiplash:
    • Jeramie is the last of the kings to regain consciousness, comically jolting awake with his face inside someone's bosom. It was his mother embracing him.
    • During the fighting, the kings recover through a communal feast of Toufu goods, all while Sebastian does a silly dance to make everyone laugh. It only serves to piss Dagded off further.
  • Not Quite Dead: Reinol turns out to have survived Dagded's attempt to kill him Deader than Dead and shows up to take out most of Dagded's army and attack the Galactinsect King.
  • Parent-Child Team: Against his mother's wishes, Jeramie decides to aid his mother against the zombified Grodie. She didn't actually need his help.
  • Power Trio: Boshimar, Douga and Racules end up re-uniting this episode, joining as a trio. This gives a massive boost to allied morale.
  • Shout-Out: The kingdoms' citizens coming to help the heroes and the subsequent battle scene is a big nod to Avengers: Endgame.
  • Spanner in the Works: Dagded knew all about the evacuation and had sabotaged the ship, with Kamejim infiltrating the citizens to kill them all. As seen in the previous episode, everyone's mutiny put that plan in the gutter if Goroge and Dethnaarok weren't going to.
  • Title-Only Opening: The opening only plays at the end of the episode.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Dagded gradually becomes more and more frustrated and angry as his forces keep failing to kill the heroes due to more back up coming; the unity of the various factions defying an entity like him that thrives on causing internal conflict.
  • You Are Not Alone: The Kings’ people all return to help, letting them know they choose to fight to the bitter end. As Racules put it, they have all inherited Gira's will of defiance.
