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Recap / NCISS 15 E 05

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Directed by Thomas J Wright

Written by David J North

After Reeves sees a friend from an AA meeting get kidnapped, the NCIS team discovers the primary suspect disappeared two days ago with confidential military information. Meanwhile, an embarrassing photo from McGee's teenage years becomes a popular meme.

Tropes in this episode include:

  • Chekhov's Gun: Melissa is shown cooking pot pies. It's then revealed that her boyfriend was drugged with a chicken pot pie.
  • Faked Kidnapping: Melissa fakes her own abduction, and ensures that Reeves is a witness.
  • Foreshadowing: When Mcgee starts getting exasperated over having had an embarrassing picture go viral, Bishop joshes him at one point, saying that he's now "a McMeme." It's the first time since Tony left the show that anyone has used a McNickname on McGee. And guess who turns out to be the one who posted the pic.
  • The Sociopath: Melissa turns out to be this.
  • Troll: The person who turned McGee's embarrassing photo into a meme turns out to be Very Special Agent Tony DiNozzo, who's not letting being across the globe stop him from giving McGee a hard time.
