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Recap / Murdoch Mysteries S 1 E 10 Childs Play

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Howard Rookwood, a wealthy philanthropist, is found dead after returning home from a fundraiser. Although the scene of death implies Rookwood was trampled by horses, the blow to the back of his head was not caused by a hoof. Soon Murdoch uncovers a web of lies covering up an extremely dark and unpleasant secret.


  • Depraved Dwarf: Miles Gorman stands about 4'6 and has a scene where he's smugly enjoying luxuries paid for by blackmail money he got from the victim for covering up the murder of his daughter.
  • The Resenter: For most of the episode, Brackenreid is cold to the East End children relocated from their homes due to feeling that they're awarded privileges he never had (in his slightly higher-income - but still deeply-deprived - family) but squander them by continuing to steal. He softens on this stance by the end though.
  • Sympathetic Murderer: The victim's killer is his wife, who realized her husband was molesting their adopted daughter, and had also molested and killed their biological daughter. Murdoch and the cops are sorry to arrest her, but the truth does earn the adopted daughter's love.
