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Recap / Monster Rancher S2 E14: The Secret of Holly's Magic Stone

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While dodging attacks from Durahan's Metal Jell and Knight Mocchi troops, the group finds an explorer named Colt. She's excavating a series of ruins, and the Searchers are curious about her discoveries. The Searchers notice that all of the buildings have Moo's emblem, and Colt says that this was a lost city of Pangea!

She leads them to a Monster manufacturing plant and explains that the factory here created Monsters in test tubes. Soon, the machinery reacts to Holly's Magic Stone, and the factory hums to life. The Searchers are very disturbed, with Mocchi asking Genki if he was born in a place like this.

When Metal Jell and the Knight Mocchis catch up to the heroes, they're scared too, and the Mocchis begin blasting the factory and its equipment with laser beams. They end up destroying it and burying the Baddies in the rubble. Genki and the others safely escape, and wish Colt good luck on her travels.

This episode contains examples of:

  • Adaptation Personality Change: Colt, the assistant from Monster Rancher 2, appears. Since her game personality was nearly identical to Holly's, the anime made her a snarky, short-tempered explorer.
  • Adorable Evil Minions: The Knight Mocchis.
  • Foreshadowing: Holly's Magic Stone acts as an energy source for Pangea technology. This will become a major plot element in the next few episodes.
