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Recap / Modern Family S 1 E 16 Fears

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Haley confronts a terrifying driving examiner in her third attempt to pass the road test. Alex is nervous about a school dance. Gloria taunts Jay and Manny to ride a roller coaster. Phil and Luke look for treasure under the house.


  • Hypocritical Humor: Dr. Miura, when talking about her mother's expectations of her.
    Dr. Miura The only way she’ll be happy is if I’m an Asian stereotype, but that just isn’t me.
    (reverses quickly into some trash cans and bangs into a car)
  • Wrong-Name Outburst: Lily seemingly blurts out “Mommy” to her Asian doctor, much to the distress of Mitch and Cam. Turns out, it was just a sound effect her doll makes.
