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Recap / Mahabharata S01 E50

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In this episode of Mahabharata, the Pandavas clad only in the white robes of sanyasis, prepare to depart for their twelve year exile in the forest. Kunti wants to go with them, but the Kuru elders negotiate for her to stay at Vidhur’s house instead. Bhishma hatches a plan with Vidhur to bring the Pandavas back in thirteen days instead of thirteen years, but when Dhritharashtra is asked to go along with this plan, he angrily throws Vidhur out, accusing him of seeking Duryodhan’s death.

All Pandavas except for Yudhistir are armed and armored, ready to use this day versus year loophole and attack Hastinapur. Dhrishtadyumna also arrives, pledging to support them in this attack with Panchaal’s army. But Yudhistir says that he will spend all thirteen years in exile as repentance for having staked his brothers and Draupadi in the dice game. Everyone disarms, but promise to combine forces and attack when Yudhistir is ready.

Vidhur visits the Pandavas and tells them that Hastinapur and the Kuru dynasty have rotted from the head, and are therefore unworthy of the Pandavas’ honor and veneration. Bhishma scolds Dhritharashtra for sending Vidhur away, prompting for the king to send for his prime minister to return. Duryodhan frets about Vidhur’s return but Karna advises him to study Vidhur carefully - and through him, discern the thinking of all Kuru elders.

Everyone has to resign themselves to a long thirteen years now, before any matter can be permanently resolved.

Tropes found here are

  • Get Out!: When Vidhur brings up the idea of the below mentioned Loophole Abuse to bring back the Pandavas, s furious Dhritharashtra demands that Vidhur leave and go to the Pandavas. Dhritharashtra complains that Vidhur is insensitive to the possibility that the Pandavas’ return will result in Duryodhan’s death.
  • I Gave My Word: Why Yudhistir refuses to engage in the Loophole Abuse suggested below.
  • Keeping the Enemy Close: Karna uses this as justification for not protesting Vidhur’s return - that through him, the motives and thoughts of Bhishma, Dronacharya and Kripacharya can be discerned.
  • Loophole Abuse: Bhishma states that the scriptures allow for a day to be substituted for a year in exigent circumstances. He wishes for Dhritharashtra to use this loophole to recall the Pandavas in thirteen days instead of thirteen years.
  • The Penance: Yudhistir will treat his twelve year exile as penance for having staked his brothers and Draupadi.
  • You Fool!: Bhishma berates Dhritharashtra for throwing Vidhur out.
  • Undying Loyalty: Dhrishtadyumna pledges that he and Panchaal’s army will be ready to assist the Pandavas whenever needed.
