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Recap / Mahabharata S 01 E 37

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In this episode of Mahabharata, the problem of there being two Crown Princes for one kingdom is extensively discussed and solved in a manner that pleases no one - the kingdom is partitioned.

Tropes found here are

  • Because You Can Cope: Why Khandavprasth is given to Yudhistir and not Duryodhan.
  • Crocodile Tears: Dhritharashtra pretends to be very distressed about giving Khandavprasth to Yudhistir instead of Duryodhan because if Duryodhan goes there, he will demand that Dhritharashtra follow him there too. And that Dhritharashtra loves Hastinapur too much to leave it. It’s all an act - Dhritharashtra has no compunction about banishing Yudhistir to the inhospitable barren area known as Khandavprasth.
  • Rules Lawyer: Vidhur claims that he had information that would have prevented Duryodhan from being made crown prince upon Yudhistir’s presumed death - namely that he knew Yudhistir was actually alive. But because he didn’t reveal this at that time, he cannot force Duryodhan to give up his title now.
  • Wham Line: Bhishma proclaims that there is only way to deal fairly with both Crown Princes - to split Hastinapur into two such that each kingdom will get its own king.
    • Dhritharashtra tells Yudhistir that he must accept the Khandavprasth territory in the partition.
