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Recap / Lost Girl S 2 E 22 Flesh And Blood

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The final battle against the Garuda is here.

  • Abandoned Hospital: The Garuda's lair is an abandoned mental hospital.
  • Animal Motifs: The Garuda is an eagle.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: By the end of the war, they all feared the Blood King...
  • Call-Back:
    • The throwing star Lauren gave Bo for her birthday shows up briefly.
    • Kenzi says, "What happened, did I get roofied again?"
  • Chekhov's Gun: A lot from the season.
    • The cane-sword Trick gave Bo for her birthday (his wife's, her grandmother's).
    • The Naga venom is finally ready.
    • Bo's ability to enthrall shows up again to unite the team, as well as the unbinding from the same episode.
    • The Garuda enters Trick like he did to Nadia... meaning he can rewrite the laws...
    • The medicine Trick gives to Bo, made from his wife's life essence. He intended it to stop her from going dark, instead it saved his life.
  • Chekhov's Gunman:
    • The smokey figure hanging around at the end of the prior episode makes an appearance early in this one, kidnapping Trick.
    • Hale's sister, Val, shows up to round out the group with a seventh. Also, she has weapons from the Santiago family.
    • Vex makes his move at the very end, controlling the Garuda (in Trick's body) long enough for Bo to inject him with Naga venom.
  • Cliffhanger: The... gift... that Kenzi "accepted" from the Norn, and it looks like Bo's going to have to wrestle with her darkness.
  • God Save Us from the Queen!: Bo almost goes mad with power, strengthened by more than half a dozen thralls.
  • Hidden Depths: Kenzi decodes Trick's secret language and finds the Garuda's lair.
  • Love Triangle: Since Kenzi got Dyson's love back, the Dyson-Bo-Lauren triangle is back in full force.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: We already knew Trick was Bo's grandfather, but now we learn that she was named for her grandmother, Ysabeau.
  • My Friends... and Zoidberg: Vex is determined to be the odd man out.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • At first Vex can't believe Trick's the Blood King and busts out laughing. Then he respectfully replaces the bottle of booze he was drinking/stealing. "I never touched this..."
    • Less comically, Vex has his arm shattered and Kenzi is stabbed and nearly dies.
    • Most seriously, the Garuda's visions weaken Trick enough for him to take Trick's body, making it possible for him to rewrite the laws.
  • Old Shame:
    • Trick wasn't as noble in the war as he would like people to believe.
    • Worse, his wife died trying to strike a peace... and it was his fault she died.
    • The shame of cowardice and the pain of betrayal almost make Trick undo the law.
  • Poke the Poodle: Although he's capable of some genuine badass villainy, Vex limits himself to making Kenzi stab her lucky teddy-bear.
  • Prophecies Are Always Right:
    • The Garuda's defeat came at his moment of triumph.
    • Bo did indeed kill Trick, for a little bit.
  • The Starscream: Trick's Warleader, who sold him out to the head of the Dark Fae... and sent a dispatch with Trick's seal ordering the assassination of Trick's wife.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Vex almost screwed everything by not taking Bo's blood.
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Trick and his wife, Ysabeau.
