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Recap / Little Princess S 2 E 33 I Want To Find The Treasure

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One morning, the King is acting secretive and looking at a map. The narrator wonders if the Princess knows what the King is doing, and she explains that he's hiding "treasure" (i.e. chocolate eggs) for their annual scavenger hunt. She plans to find all the eggs to make up for finding none last year.

She goes downstairs, where the adults are arguing about who will find the most eggs. However, the King tells them to go off before the Princess has finished putting her boots on. They leave, and the King drops the map, so the Princess picks it up and decides to use it.

She finds one egg by a tree and eats it right then, then does the same by the wheelbarrow, in a bush (pretending the egg is elsewhere to sidetrack the Prime Minister), and under a flowerpot. At the pond, the narrator isn't sure using the map is allowed, but the Princess rationalises that using treasure maps is usually allowed. Then, she gets nauseated but denies it. She finds and eats the last one, but then the grownups arrive and berate her for eating all the eggs.

To make matters worse, she's still nauseated and the doctor sends her to bed. The Queen finds the map. The King reveals that the map wasn't allowed after all and shames the Princess for cheating.

The next morning, the Princess has recovered but feels guilty. She sees Scruff find a rubber duck under a seaside bucket and decides to make her own scavenger hunt, using her toys as prizes.

This episode provides examples of

  • Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal: Puss wears a hat at one point.
  • Artistic License – Biology: Even the pets are interested in finding chocolate eggs, even though cats are obligate carnivores and dogs can get sick or even die from eating chocolate.
  • Buffy Speak: The doctor diagnoses the Princess with "chocolate-y-itis".
  • "Eureka!" Moment: The Princess is inspired to make her own treasure hunt after seeing Scruff find a rubber duck.
  • Foreshadowing: The Queen tells the Princess not to eat the fourth egg all at once or she'll make herself ill, which is what ends up happening.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: The Princess feels intensely guilty upon realising that using the map wasn't allowed.
  • No Sympathy: The King and Queen don't sympathise for the nauseated Princess; they just berate her for cheating when she didn't even know the map wasn't allowed to be used.
  • Not So Above It All: Even the Maid joins in with the argument over who will get the most eggs.
  • Obviously Not Fine: The Princess denies feeling queasy despite having doubled over and said, "Ooh!" several seconds ago.
  • Plot Hole: It's never revealed why the King even made a map in the first place.
  • Something Itis: The doctor claims the Princess has "chocolate-y-itis", which means having eaten too much chocolate, but semantically, it should mean "inflammation of something which resembles chocolate".
  • Toilet Humour: The Chef looks for a chocolate egg in a pile of horse manure.
  • "X" Marks the Spot: The egg locations on the map are marked with "X"s.
  • You Are Fat: The Chef addresses the Prime Minister as "my chubby little friend", citing his chubbiness as a reason he shouldn't be eating chocolate.
