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Recap / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S8 E1 "Informed"

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Written By Dawn De Noon

Directed By Peter Leto

Haley Kerns, an undercover federal informant working on eco-terrorism, shows up at the hospital having been raped and had her head shaved. Upon hearing Haley's refusal to get a rape kit, Benson takes matters into her own hands and steals Haley's underwear to run for DNA, bringing her once again in contact with Star Morrison.


  • Becoming the Mask: Haley Kerns was an FBI informant infiltrating the radical Earth Defenders Group, but somewhere along the way, she started genuinely believing in the EDG's cause and attempts to bomb a GMO building and take herself, Benson and Lewis with her.
  • Minor Injury Overreaction: The episode begins with a woman in the ER loudly complaining about a rash on her arm, right as someone with severe injuries is being driven by in a stretcher. Then Haley Kerns, wearing a hoodie, comes up to the doctor and removes her hood, revealing blood and bruises on her freshly shaved head, and says, "Please tell me I get to go before her."
