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Recap / Law & Order: Special Victims Unit S21E18 "Garland's Baptism by Fire"

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Written By Cheryl L Davis and Micharne Cloughley

Directed By Norberto Barba

After a member of Garland's church is arrested for embezzlement, SVU attention turns to the resident reverend who may have not only been complicit in the embezzlement scheme but also several teenage girls from his church. Garland and the squad must then battle their emotions and the reverend's wife, who still stands by her husband regardless of the mounting evidence.

  • Broken Pedestal: Garland loses respect for the reverend at his church when it's revealed that he not only was involved in embezzlement, but also a statutory rapist.
  • A Day in the Limelight: This episode features Garland and his family.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Edgar Goodwin, the church in-house counsel, agrees to represent Delman Chase. However, when meeting with Carisi and reading the girls' and his wife's affidavits, he looks at his client in disgust. Goodwin tells Chase that moving forward, he can no longer represent him. When meeting with Benson, he profusely apologizes to her, wishing they had met under better circumstances.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Laura, Chase's wife, has this reaction when she realizes she had been supporting her husband, who had been targeting girls.
  • Never My Fault: Chase, even while in prison, has this attitude. Garland calls him out on it.
    Garland: You're not Job in this story, Laura is.
  • Single Tear: After Garland's visit with Chase, the former sheds a tear as he struggles with his faith.
