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Recap / Kids Incorporated S 6 E 9 Play It Again Kids Inc

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After four very special episodes in a row; this episode - the 100th for Kids Incorporatednote  - has a lighter story to deal with, as the kids are excited about the opportunity to go to a Debbie Gibson concert…only for Flip to lose the tickets.

“Your Mama Don’t Dance” starts the episode off, and as the song is performed we see Flip on the phone - and see that the P*lace gets extremely fast mail service, as shortly before the song ends Flip is handed the mail by an unidentified kid. We then go to the breakroom, where the kids were digging through the mail (consisting of a mix of fan letters and junk mail) in search of tickets for an upcoming Debbie Gibson concert. Devyn then tries calling a friend named Mitch (who worked at an unidentified record labelnote  only to get the answering machine (Recording: “Don’t even think about calling for Debbie Gibson tickets”); causing a frustrated Kenny to exclaim that it was “Shutout City”. Enter Flip with good news - as he has 6 tickets for the concert, setting up “All Geared Up”.

Murphy’s Law comes into play, as soon after the kids want to look at the tickets only to learn that Flip misplaced the tickets. Needless to say, we then see five furious kids angrily leaving the P*lace; leaving a dejected Flip - still in the P*lace - watching a late show airing of Casablanca; imagining himself as Rick, the cate owner.

In the cafe, a visitor named Ugarte (Kenny) arrives with 2 tickets to par…er, transport. Soon after, Ilsa (Stacy) arrives; wanting to apologize for not saying goodbye to him in Paris (she also learned that Ugarte had been arrested shortly after delivering the tickets). At this point, a dejected Rick walks over to Samantha’s piano, leading to - naturally - “As Time Goes By”.

Next to arrive is a man known simply as “Fat Man” (Richie); having learned about the tickets and wanting to make a deal to split the profits 50/50 on the black market with Rick. When Rick refuses, Fat Man ups the offer to 60/40. Flip just wants his ice cream delivered. Unfortunately, trouble shows up in the form of Major Strasser (Devyn), who wants the tickets and she wants them now, launching a search party and arresting everyone save for Rick, Ilsa and the already in custody Ugarte (“Smooth Criminal”). Rick then manages to retrieve the tickets and hands them to a just returned Ilsa, who then departs as the movie ends. Flip then wakes up after hearing a knock on the door; then sees the kids and fears they’re still mad at him. However, the kids returned to apologize for blowing up at him earlier. As it happens, the combination of the late show airing of “Casablanca” and the subsequent dream jogged Flip’s memory as the tickets had been placed under the cookie tray - as the tickets were in the dream - setting up closing song “Takin’ Care of Business”.

The following season would see a similar plot line - minus the Casablanca-themed Imagine Spot - involving missing tickets; only this time with newcomer Haylie losing them.

Songs performed in this episode:

  • “Your Mama Don’t Dance” (Loggins and Messina cover; lead vocals by Devyn)
  • “All Geared Up” (Kids Incorporated original; lead vocals by Stacy)
  • “As Time Goes By” (Frances Williams covernote ; lead vocals by Robin)note 
  • Smooth Criminal” (Michael Jackson cover; lead vocals by Kenny)
  • “Takin’ Care of Business” (Bachman-Turner Overdrive cover; lead vocals by Kenny)

Tropes associated with this episode:

Characters in the Casablanca-themed Imagine Spot:
