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Recap / Kenan And Kel S 01 Ep 10 Dial 0 For Oops

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Release Date: December 7, 1996

Kenan and Kel accidentally leave an insulting message to Mr. Dawson, Roger's cold-hearted boss. Now they must remove it before Mr. Dawson comes home.

  • Ask a Stupid Question...:
    Kenan: I need to practice. Here. You be Amy.
    Kel: Who are you gonna be?
    Kenan: ME!! I'll be me!
  • Bittersweet Ending: Roger's job is saved after Mr. Dawson gets transferred before he can fire Roger, but that means his daughter can't date Kenan.
  • Disaster Dominoes: Everything Kenan and Kel do at the Dawson's house end leaving it in disaster.
    • By breaking one doorstep's lamp by trying to climb to see from a high window.
    • Trying to reach Kel's watch from the mailslot with a hose which accidentally turns on and leaves the Dawson's living room drenched in water.
    • Kel manages to remove the Dawson's tape but replaced it with the Rockmore's which had a equally insulting message.
  • Embarrassing Voicemail: The premise of the episode. Kenan & Kel accidentally leave a voicemail on Mr. Dawson's answering machine where they repeat the insulting things Roger said about him, and now they must try to retrieve the tape before it gets heard. And while they succeed into removing the Dawson's tape, Kel replaced it with the Rockmore's, which had a recording of Roger insulting Mr. Dawson, which he hears. Also Kenan has one of his grandmother saying he left his teddy bear in her house.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: Mr. Dawson tells an "airport joke", leaving both the Rockmores and Kel confused.
    Kel: What's up?
    Mr. Dawson: Well, many airplanes are up.
    Kenan: Huh?
    Kel: What?
    Mr. Dawson: You asked me what's up. I said, "Many airplanes are up." See, I work at the airport. That's an airport joke.
    (Roger pretends to laugh)
    Kel: Uh, I don't get it.
  • Five-Second Foreshadowing: When making fun of Mr. Dawson, Kenan mentions that his father will soon get Mr. Dawson's work, before noticing Kel didn't hang out the phone. It turns that was because Mr. Dawson was to be transferred to Alaska.
  • Last Kiss: Amy gives one to Kenan on the cheek after sadly explaining to him she would like to date him but is unable to due to her father being transferred to Alaska.
  • Mean Boss: According to Roger, Mr. Dawson makes him work late. And that's why he insults him behind his back while calling home, unfortunately due to Kel switching the tape on Mr. Dawson's answering machine, the latter's hears every word of it.
    Roger: (In answering machine) Mr. Dawson says I gotta work late again. I tell you what, that Dawson is a nasty, evil, bull-headed, unreasonable jerk. Oh well, I better got back to work before the idiot comes back. Bye-Bye, sweetheart.
  • Oh, Crap!: Kel and Kenan have this when Mr. Dawson turns on his answering machine with the Rockmores's tape with an insulting message about him from Roger.
  • Pet the Dog: While Roger forbids Kenan from seeing Mr. Dawson's daughter, he assures Kenan there's nothing wrong with him, he just doesn't want Mr. Dawson making his life difficult too.
  • The Determinator: Kenan wants to date Mr. Dawson's daughter Amy, despite her father's mean attitude and Roger forbbiding him to see her. It doesn't end well.
  • Tranquil Fury: Mr. Dawson has this while listening to Roger's insulting message about him and has to be calmed by his wife.
