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Recap / Justice League Action S 1 E 32 Boo Ray For Bizarro

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Amazo the android breaks into the Watchtower, taking on the League members present and copying their powers. He ends up capturing everyone and plans to call the rest of the League to do the same to them, but Bizarro shows up to make things difficult.


  • Accent On The Wrong Syllable: Amazo has a habit of randomly emphasizing words, in addition to Suddenly Shouting and inexpllicably going Motor Mouth, making his speech odd to follow even before he starts picking up Bizarro's habits.
  • Assimilation Backfire: Amazo assimilating Bizarro's backwards thinking conflicts with his android mind's straightforward logical thinking, causing a critical breakdown.
  • Chekhov's Gun: While gloating to Batman, Amazo mentions that his Power Copying also causes him to copy his targets' minds. This comes back to bite him when he copies Bizarro, whose backwards logic ends up breaking Amazo's own mind.
  • An Ice Person: Instead of Heat Vision, Bizarro has cold vision. After copying Bizarro, Amazo uses it to freeze him.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Bizarro turns into one for Amazo.
  • Posthumous Character: Professor Ivo.
  • Power Copying: Amazo is capable of copying the powers of metahumans and aliens. He can also replicate the abilities of the Green Lantern Power Ring. This lets him also be All Your Powers Combined, but he also replicates how that someone thinks.
  • Reverse Psychology: After Bizarro proves himself worthy of joining the League (even though nobody wants him to), Batman tells him he'll have to stand perfectly still so they can swear him in. This prompts him to refuse and fly away. Problem solved.
  • The Voiceless: Despite a few grunts, Green Lantern oddly says nothing. Nobody is even credited for voicing him.
