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Recap / Il Était Une Fois...

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  1. And Earth Was Created
  2. Neanderthal Man
  3. Cro-Magnon Man
  4. The Fertile Valleys
  5. The First Empires
  6. The Age of Pericles
  7. The Pax Romana
  8. The Conquests of Islam
  9. The Carolingians
  10. The Age of Vikings
  11. The Cathedral Builders
  12. The Travels of Marco Polo
  13. The Hundred Years War
  14. The Quattrocento
  15. The Golden Age of Spain
  16. Elizabethan England
  17. The Golden Age of the Low Countries
  18. The Great Reign of Louis XIV
  19. Peter the Great and his Times
  20. The Age of Reason
  21. America
  22. The French Revolution
  23. The Awakening of the People
  24. The Belle Epoque
  25. The Crazy Years
  26. Once Upon a Time... the Earth (and tomorrow?)

  1. The Planet Omega
  2. The Saurians
  3. The Green Planet
  4. Towards Andromeda
  5. The Cro-Magnons
  6. The Revolt of the Robots
  7. The Planet Mytho
  8. The Long Voyage
  9. In Cassiopeia
  10. A Planet Blown To Pieces
  11. Shipwrecked in Space
  12. The Giants
  13. The Incas
  14. In the Land of the Dinosaurs
  15. The Rings of Saturn
  16. The Unstoppable Menace
  17. Earth
  18. Atlantis
  19. The Strange Return to Omega
  20. The Revenge of the Robots
  21. The Humanoids
  22. An Hostile World
  23. City in Flight
  24. The Great Computer
  25. The Battle of the Titans
  26. The Infinity of Space

  1. The Cell Planet
  2. Birth
  3. The Body's Sentinels
  4. The Bone Marrow
  5. The Blood
  6. The Tiny Platelets
  7. The Heart
  8. Breathing
  9. The Brain
  10. The Neurons
  11. The Eye
  12. The Ear
  13. The Skin
  14. The Mouth and Teeth
  15. Digestion
  16. The Liver Factory
  17. The Kidneys
  18. The Lymphatic System
  19. The Bones and Skeleton
  20. Muscles and Fat
  21. Toxin Wars
  22. Vaccination
  23. The Hormones
  24. The Chain of Life
  25. Repairs and Changes
  26. And Life Goes On

     The Americas 
  1. The First Americans
  2. The Hunters
  3. The Conquerors of the Great North
  4. The Promised Land
  5. The Tumulus Builders
  6. The Aztecs before the Conquest
  7. Christopher Columbus’ Dream
  8. America!
  9. Cortes and the Aztecs
  10. Que Viva Mexico!
  11. Pizarro and the Inca Empire
  12. Jacques Cartier
  13. The Age of the Conquistadores
  14. Champlain
  15. England and the Thirteen Colonies
  16. The Indians in the 17th Century
  17. The Indians in the 18th Century
  18. The End of the French Dream
  19. The 13 Colonies Towards Independence
  20. The War of Independence
  21. Ebony Wood (Slavery)
  22. The Pioneers
  23. Simon Bolivar
  24. The Gold Rush
  25. The End of the Indian People
  26. Towards the 20th Century

     The Discoverers 
  1. The Chinese, our Ancestors
  2. Archimedes and the Greek
  3. Hero of Alexandria
  4. The Measuring of Time
  5. Henry the Navigator, Vasco da Gama and Cartography
  6. Gutenberg and Printing
  7. Leonardo da Vinci, a Jack-of-all-trades
  8. The Doctors
  9. Galileo Galilei
  10. Isaac Newton
  11. Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (Discovering the Past)
  12. Antoine Lavoisier and Chemistry
  13. George Stephenson, Full Steam Ahead!
  14. Michael Faraday and Electricity
  15. Charles Darwin and Evolution
  16. Gregor Mendel and Peas
  17. Louis Pasteur and Micro-organisms
  18. Thomas Edison and Applied Science
  19. Guilgemo Marconi and Sound Waves
  20. Henry Ford and the Adventure of Motorcar
  21. Aviation
  22. Marie Curie
  23. Albert Einstein
  24. Konrad Lorenz, Father of the Geese
  25. Neil Armstrong, the Moon and Space
  26. Tomorrow?

    The Explorers 
  1. The First Navigators
  2. Alexander The Great
  3. Erik The Red And The Discovery Of America
  4. Genghis Khan
  5. Ibn Battuta
  6. The Great Junks
  7. Vasco Da Gamma
  8. The Taxis And The First Postal System
  9. The Pinzon Brothers (The Hidden Side Of Christopher Columbus)
  10. Amerigo Vespucci
  11. Ferdinand Magellan And Del Cano
  12. Cabeza De Vaca
  13. Vitus Bering
  14. Louis Antoine De Bougainville And The Pacific
  15. Bruce And The Nile
  16. Charles Marie De La Condamine
  17. James Cook
  18. Alexander Von Humboldt
  19. Lewis & Clarke Expedition
  20. Stuart & Brooke And Australia
  21. Stanley & Livingstone"
  22. Roald Amundsen, Robert Falcon Scott and the South Pole
  23. Alexandra David-Néel in Tibet
  24. Piccard from the Mountain Tops to the Depth of the Sea
  25. Up to the Peaks
  26. Up to the Stars

    Planet Earth 
  1. Planet Guards
  2. Climate I: Far North
  3. Water In India
  4. Water In The Sahel
  5. Amazon Rainforest
  6. Energy Exhaustion
  7. Fair Trade
  8. Oceans In Danger
  9. Ecosystems
  10. Water Of The World
  11. Poverty
  12. Forests Of The World
  13. Overfishing
  14. Climate II: Origins
  15. Farming
  16. Biodiversity
  17. Climate III: Effects
  18. Recycling
  19. Women Of The World
  20. Child Labor
  21. New Energies
  22. House And City
  23. Climate IV: Solutions
  24. Children: Health And Education
  25. Technologies
  26. Tomorrow
