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Recap / Halo 2022 S 1 E 4 Homecoming

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A brief flashback depicts the SPARTAN children during training. Kai, Vannak, Riz and Soren seem to be settling in; only John-117 is silent. Shortly thereafter, Halsey visits him in his barracks and mentions that Cpl. Mendez caught John trying to escape and go home. She entreats him to stay, telling him he could become the leader of the SPARTANs.

In the present, John leads the mission to Eridanus II, quickly locating his parents' house and figuring out where (what he believes to be) the Second Keystone is buried. It turns out that the visions were unspecific: what his father made him bury were the drawings themselves, depicting the Keystone, the Second Keystone, and an ominous circle shape. Unsatisfied with these (lack of) answers, John returns to the overgrown ruins of his family's house, and has Cortana display a recreation of the space on his helmet's visor. Halsey and Adun are clearly nervous about something, to the point that Halsey reminds him that what he sees might not actually be reality. That doesn't deter John from entering a full-on Pensieve Flashback in which he watches his younger self enter an excavation area very similar to the one on Madrigal, and — apparently — touch the Keystone for the first time. This flashback is interrupted by a second one in which a young Dr. Halsey visits him and befriends him, letting him show off by flipping a coin and (correctly — John was Born Lucky, after all) calling which way it lands every time. John realizes that the story he's been told — that he was adopted by the SPARTAN program after he was orphaned — is not the entire truth. However, all this is pushed aside as he takes Halsey and Adun to the excavation site. There, the Second Keystone is waiting.

Soren and Kwan land on Madrigal, where Kwan quickly discovers there's a massive price on her head. However, at the memorial service for her father, she is able to make contact with some of his supporters. Her plan to take the rebellion back to Vinsher, however, is stalled when she learns that the people of Madrigal are perfectly satisfied under the UNSC rule — or, more accurately, UNSC protection from the Covenant — he has solidified. Nonetheless, Kwan perseveres in contacting her aunt Soojin — who, besides being her only living relative, controls the family money, so Soren isn't getting paid unless he gets her there; also, they've impounded and scrapped his ship. Unfortunately, Kwan doesn't find the help she's looking for: the money is gone, and apparently her father was motivated solely by the words of stoner mystics living in the desert, who told him that leading a rebellion would bring the Ha family to its true destiny. Meanwhile, Vinsher contacts a woman named Franco, hiring her to do away with Kwan. Franco attacks the Ha family hideout, killing Soojin before Soren returns and drives her off with a bullet to the shoulder. Their presence now loudly made clear, the two refugees flee across the desert on a motorcycle, Soren hoping to find alternative transport offworld and back to the Rubble.

Back at Reach, Kai follows John's lead in pulling out the Emotion Suppression pellet. She puts some streaks of pinkish-red in her hair using grease from her Sniper Rifle — one of the first signs of individuality from any SPARTAN. Meanwhile, Dr. Miranda Keyes is still investigating the original Keystone. She requisitions Silver Team and attempts to activate the Keystone with them. None of them are able to... but it gives Kai a chance to defend the SPARTANs to Keyes, who isn't precisely a fan. Keyes changes her tune when the three start bantering about a Covenant Needler and mention "Qkhep'os," the Covenant word they shout when it's turned on them ("Though it could just mean, 'Shit, please don't kill us'," Kai quips). Keyes immediately starts working with them to refine the UNSC Translator Microbes, berating herself over not thinking of it sooner. She admits that she's always resented the SPARTANs because her mother chose them over her. She and Kai stay up late into the night working on the lexicon, and Kai helps identify a word the Covenant keep using to describe the Keystone: "Ch'anggagomo", meaning "Sacred Ring" — the Halo which it will lead them to. Miranda asks her to keep this discovery secret between them, and Kai agrees, declaring that, in her estimation, the two of them — children of Dr. Halsey, each in their own way — are sisters. But to Miranda, this only heralds greater danger:

"Kai, your act of rebellion could just be a glitch... But if I know Dr. Halsey, she doesn't tolerate glitches."


  • Ambiguous Syntax: Kai ponders whether Qkhep'os means "needler" or is just the Covenant equivilant of Oh, Crap!
  • Acting Unnatural: Miranda doesn't miss that Kai is behaving much more emotionally than the other Spartans, and warns her that Halsey doesn't like such aberrant behavior.
  • Born Lucky: As shown in a flashback, young John won a coin flip game with Halsey ten out of ten.note 
  • Broken Pedestal:
    • Kwan is told by her aunt Soojin that her father Jin was radicalized by mystics living in the desert, who convinced him that there was a higher purpose to keeping Madrigal out of UNSC control. He subsequently blew all their money on the rebellion.
    • John's faith in Halsey is shaken by him remembering an encounter between them while his parents were still alive, which contradicts the story she told him. Halsey tries to convince him it's a false memory, but it's clear from his expression that he has trouble trusting her word like he used to.
  • Conspicuous Consumption: Vinsher has a private pool in a city surrounded by desert.
  • Cultured Badass: Kai passionately defends her brethren by pointing out how Riz is a polyglot, Vannak's research into the Covenant Laser Blades led to improvements in UNSC armor vests, and her own expertise in battlefield tactics.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The members of the Silver team get a little more focus in this episode, Kai especially. This also spills over to Miranda, as she and Kai discuss how they are spiritual siblings since Halsey is a parental figure for both in different ways.
  • Don't Create a Martyr: Having successfully intimidated everyone into compliance, Vinsher is reluctant to stir up further trouble and sends his master assassin to take care of Kwan discreetly. However, when she fails his men quickly move in as backup.
  • The Enemy Weapons Are Better: The Spartans express this sentiment in Miranda's lab, noting that Covenant has "all the best toys". Special mention is given to the Needler and the Phantom. It helps that, contrary to the games where the weapons are balanced for certain roles, Covenant weapons are outright more lethal than the rough equivalents humanity is fielding.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: When told the Covenant word for the Needler, "Qkhep'os", Miranda realizes that the SPARTANs have heard more Sangheili than any other humans. Over the course of a few hours working with Kai, Miranda is able to significantly improve her translation algorithm.
  • Flashback:
    • There's a flashback to the SPARTAN program when the kids were just getting started. John questions why he can't go home, but Halsey convinces him that he chose to join and is special.
    • John has various flashbacks of his life while exploring his old family home. This allows him to remember the location of the Forerunner ruins, where the second artifact is. Unfortunately for Halsey, he also recalls his first meeting with her.
  • Guns vs. Swords: Franco takes down several bodyguards before they can use their firearms, but is forced to flee when Soren opens fire on her outside sword-range.
  • Hero Stole My Bike: When Soren's contact offers to take him across the desert for a price, Soren decides to steal his bike at gunpoint instead. Well, he is a pirate...
  • If You're So Evil, Eat This Kitten!: Miranda is uncomfortable to hear that her mother did a variation on the puppy-killing test. During a survival exercise each trainee was given a pet animal—Kai had a puppy, Riz had a cat, while Vannak had a pig—and were formed into teams to compete against each other. The losing side had to kill their own pets to learn that every failure had consequences. Vannak never lost, but Halsey killed his pet pig anyway as she only wanted the SPARTANs to bond with each other.
  • Ironic Echo: John gives Kwan's "You're ruining it" in response to Cortana trying to explain slipspace.
  • Jurisdiction Friction: Though it's never brought up directly, Miranda touches upon it tangentially when mentioning that the translators have never actually bothered to talk to the only people who hear the Covenant speak and live to tell about it, since Halsey guards her Spartans jealously and this is the first time Miranda has had unfettered access to them. In the Prime Timeline, we see a lot more of it.
  • Musical Nod: After the Title Drop, there's a couple seconds of the Halo theme song to accompany it.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Soren, against his better judgement and only on the promise of payment, brings Kwan to Madrigal so she can link up with the resistance and he can get paid. The resistance turns out to be non-existent, her family is broke from funding the first resistance, and Vinsher's men strip his ship for parts to rub salt in the wound. He's forced to steal a bike so he can drive to the nearest starport, complaining that he should never have left the Rubble.
  • Nonconformist Dyed Hair: A plot-point when it's Kai's first conscious act of nonconformity after removing her pellet.
  • Properly Paranoid: Halsey makes sure to instill some seeds of doubt about John's memories before he tours his old home, rightly fearing he may remember their real first meeting.
  • Putting on the Reich: Vinsher's men all have black uniforms, and his uniform has red stripes just to complete the look.
  • Reclaimed by Nature: A couple of decades have allowed nature to largely grow over the abandoned settlement on Eridanus II, though the structures remain intact.
  • Self-Made Orphan: Soren killed his own father, implicitly while part of the SPARTAN program, though he doesn't clarify.
  • Shoulders-Up Nudity: During the bathroom scene, Kai is naked but she's only shown from the shoulders up, with a quick Toplessness from the Back shot to show the scar of her removed pellet.
  • Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Madrigal may be under the tyrannical rule of Vinsher, but the threat of the Covenant has largely placated any resistance in favor of security, and Vinsher's agreement with the UNSC provides that.
  • Title Drop: Kai describes the ring being sought by the Covenant as a "Halo", complete with Musical Nod.
  • Wham Shot:
    • Riz finds Kai in the bathroom, cleaning her knife while naked. Kai is evasive, and once Riz leaves, the camera pans down to reveal Kai has removed her pellet.
    • When John is trying to trace where the artifact may be, he is cued in to a memory he didn't know he had, one where Dr. Halsey met with him in his family home. He believes they first met at an orphanage, but this implies she was scouting him out before then.
