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Recap / Grimms Notes S 2 E 17

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The Final World - Part 2 (終局の世界・後編)
They came from beyond the fog... Who are they? Why are they here? They appeared before those who have suffered, felt distressed, and lost sight of their fate. And as they travel and suffer together, they begin to figure out the answer of the fate that they had lost together. After defeating the chaotic story tellers who create rifts in the world, presenting new possibilities for the world, they were gone just as they have arrived. And no one remembers when they left. People who appeared from beyond the fog, and leaving the fog behind. Where did they go? Nobody knows. The names of the travelers from beyond the fog are—
Opening narration (17-1-1)

Watch the full episode here.


13-1-1: Revival (復活)

13-1-2: Shadow (影法師)

17-1-3: The Truth of the Moon (お月さまの真実)

17-1-4: (否定するもの)

17-1-5: Chaos (カオス)

17-1-6: Chaotic Origin (原初の混沌)

17-1-7: (百億の絶望)

17-1-8: A World Without Light (光のない世界)

17-1-9: Reina's Bet (レイナの賭け)

17-1-10: (消えぬ者たち)

17-1-11: Dream Star (おほしさま)

17-1-12: Under a Sky Full of Stars (満天の星の下で)

17-1-13: Now, Together (今は、ともに)

17-1-14: A Villain's Pride (悪役の矜持)

17-1-15: Raging Wind (吹き荒ぶ風)

17-1-16: Infinity (インフィニティ)

17-1-17: Battle of the Seven Holes I (七孔の戦いⅠ)

17-1-18: Battle of the Seven Holes II (七孔の戦いⅡ)

17-1-19: Chaotic Settlement (混沌の決着)

17-1-20: The Backside of the Moon (月の向こう側)

17-1-21: And They Set Out (そして彼らは旅立った)

17-1-22: Grimms Notes (グリムノーツ)

Tropes appearing in this episode:

  • Back from the Dead: Andersen revives Baron Munchausen and the Mirror Maiden to help the party go to the rooftop. When Elena sees Baron, he's quick to tell her to go.
  • Back for the Finale: Various Heroes and NonPlayerCharacters seen through the game make an appearance to help the party to fend off the various Nobodies lurking around.
  • Boss Rush: 17-1-22 is a bunch of fights with various boss monsters (all of them called "Mysterious Beast" for whatever reason). It's doesn't even have to do anything with the story's ending.
  • Enemy Mine: Various characters who were at odds with each other actually join forces here to fight the Nobodies, since they are their common enemy. Even a few bosses join the raid.
  • Grand Finale: The final episode of Grimms Notes. The End.
  • Hidden in Plain Sight: In 13-1-13, the Merlin and Sir Lancelot from both the original game and Repage actually met each other. Too bad the old Lancelot doesn't notice Repage!Lancelot because of the helmet. He does actually take his helmet off, but only after the old Lancelot goes to somewhere else.
  • Title Drop: These are very last words spoken in this gacha game that lasted for four years.
    Travelers from beyond the fog: We are Grimms Notes!
  • Walking the Earth: The game ends with Revol, Elena, Alicia, Tim, and Luisa traveling to an unknown world.
  • When He Smiles: In 13-1-16, Baron smiles while feeling proud for his sister. Not the usual smuggy fake smile, it's one that show he's genuinely happy for her.
