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Recap / Greatest Freakout Ever Aftermath

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Almost six months after posting the original Greatest Freakout Ever video, Jack finally reveals its existence to Stephen, as well as the fact that he posted it publically online. Stephen is so embarrassed and angry he climbs up a tree and stays there for four hours, so Jack decides to try to 'interview' him about his thoughts on being an internet celebrity.


  • Bad Mood Retreat: When Jack asks Stephen why he's climbed up a tree, Stephen says it's because he's mad, so it seems to be a rather odd version of this.
  • Big "SHUT UP!": Jack asks Stephen why he was so mad about losing his World of Warcraft account. Stephen feels that Jack already knows and is just asking questions he already knows the answer to in order to annoy him, so he screams for him to shut up.
  • Camera Abuse: At the end of the video, Jack gets up close to Stephen, shoves the camera in his face, and refers to him as 'Squirrel Boy' again. Stephen's finally had enough and shoves the camera away, demanding that Jack stop calling him 'Squirrel Boy'.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Owing to Stephen climbing up a tree and refusing to come down, Jack keeps referring to him as 'Squirrel Boy', which Stephen doesn't like.
  • Flipping the Bird: Stephen insists that he didn't shove the remote up his butt, and that Jack made it look like he did. When Jack presses the point, Stephen flips him off.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Stephen says 'faggot' and 'fag' a couple times in this video. Obviously, the term was far less taboo back in 2009 than it became less than a decade later, but rather odd that Stephen would use it given that in most videos he makes it clear that he hates cursing.
