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Recap / Gosei Sentai Dairanger Ep 45

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The Dairangers learn the nature of Kaku's deal with the Gorma as he tells them to return to their normal lives. But the Dairangers have other plans...


  • Breaking the Fellowship: Kaku tells this to the Dairangers, but expected them to continue fighting and forced by Shadam to cement it by taking the Treasure Lai Lai Pearls and the Dairangers' transformation items.
  • Broken Pedestal: The Dairangers are devastated to find Kaku with the Gorma as he tells them to return to their normal lives and not to interfere with what he intends to do.
  • Cliffhanger: The Dairangers are forced to fight Shiryuu, while Kaku takes the Kiba Changer along with Kou and Kameo's Treasure Lai Lai Pearls.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: The police officers who try to stop Shiryuu are subdued with ridiculous ease.
  • Internal Reveal: The Dairangers learn Kaku is with the Gorma and disbanded the team to honor the new truce he made with Gorma XV.
  • The Reveal: Kaku is of the Gorma royal bloodline and is leading a faction to remove Shadam's faction.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: The Dairangers attempt this
  • Token Good Teammate: Kaku after returning to the Gorma, along with his right hand Shiryuu and faction that follows his ideals.
  • The Unreveal: There's another condition of Kaku's truce with Gorma XV yet to be revealed.
