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Recap / Fear The Walking Dead S 07 E 11 Ofelia

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Daniel's fragile state of mind causes him to leave the sub in search of his daughter, forcing Luciana and Wes to go after him. Unfortunately, this forces a run in with Arno and the Stalkers, who are more than willing to take advantage of him to get what they want.

"Ofelia" provides examples of:

  • The Atoner: The reason why Daniel wants to find Ofelia is because he regrets not coming clean to her about his past, and he believes if he does so his mental state will get better. Sadly, his daughter is long dead, a fact he refuses to accept.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Arno is dead, and Luciana manages to convince the rest of The Stalkers to join forces. But Wes becomes disgusted with everything that's happened, and leaves the group to join The Tower.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: How Daniel kills Arno: by lowering him in his cage trap into the sea of walkers. By the time Luciana and Wes get there and raise it, his legs are completely stripped of all flesh and he quickly expires.
  • Death by Irony: Arno meets his end in the very same contraption he used to torture Wes.
  • Face–Heel Turn: The last scene shows Wes at the phone booth to The Tower, seemingly there to tell Victor about what Morgan's group is planning.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After Arno dies, Luciana manages to convince the rest of The Stalkers to join their fight to take The Tower.
  • I Lied: Arno never had Ofelia, a fact obvious to everyone but Daniel. To say he doesn't take the news well would be an understatement.
  • Sanity Slippage: Daniel's already been going through this, but now it's getting worse as he believes Ofelia is still alive and he can make things right with her.
  • Screw This Im Outof Here: After Luciana lies to Daniel that Strand has Ofelia in The Tower to get him to help them, Wes leaves, disgusted with her and everything that has transpired.
