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Recap / Doctor Who S33 Short "P.S."

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"Dear Dad. This is the difficult bit. If I’ve got this right, you’re reading this letter a week after we left in the TARDIS. The thing is, we’re not coming back."
Rory Williams

The one that shows what ultimately happened to the Ponds and what it meant for poor Rory's dad.

A very Bittersweet Ending written by Chris Chibnall that didn't make it into the final cut of the Series 7A finale because an actor was unavailable for shooting. Considered unofficial by TARDIS Wiki by principle because it didn't air, but for all intents and purposes, it is official enough for us.

However, Anthony was effectively canonised by Rory's Story, part of the Doctor Who: Lockdown event in 2020.

After the end of "The Angels Take Manhattan", Brian Williams gets a visit at the home of his son and daughter-in-law. This is strange, because Brian doesn't live with Rory and Amy; he's just watering the plants.

The stranger brings a note from Rory, explaining that he and Amy are trapped in the past, and can never come home. Rory laments that he won't see his father again, and tells him how much he loved him. Moreover, Rory's letter introduces Anthony — Anthony Brian Williams — their adopted son, and Brian's adopted grandson.

Anthony offers his hand to Brian; Brian embraces Anthony.

Can be watched on the BBC website.

