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Recap / Digimon Ghost Game - E5 "Divine Anger"

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Jellymon shows herself in front of Kiyoshiro and hacked Japan's banking system with virtual talismans for fun, procuring the wrath of a tough customer way above the party's management bracket...


  • Hopeless Boss Fight: Majiramon is absurdly powerful and is way above what the heroes can manage with brute force at that time. The only way to quench his wrath is to delete the numerous digital talismans placed on the banking system by Jellymon. Even the Mooks he brings are virtually impossible to beat, and Hiro and Ruli knows perfectly they can only stall enough time for Kiyoshiro and Jellymon to act.
  • Kidnapped by the Call: Kiyoshiro's essentially forced into being a part of the group after Jellymon forces the third Digivice onto him and plugging in her DIM card in order to make her his partner. While he's initially reluctant to be a part of the group, after Hiro teaches him to use the Digivice and the encounter with Majiramon, he resigns to his situation and stays a part of the team.
