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Recap / Destiny 2 Season Of The Splicer

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The Vex have begun to mobilize, the Last City was suddenly under a simulation keeping them in an endless night. Mithrax, a Splicer and Kell of the newly-formed House of Light, has requested aid from the Vanguard to shelter their people while they work together to deal with the problem. While Mithrax aids the Guardians to breach into the Vex network, tensions mount in the city between House Light, The Vanguard, and the Faction Leaders as longtime enemies are forced to set aside their differences in pursuit of a common goal.

Season of the Splicer contains examples of:

  • All There in the Manual: Mithrax has been in the lore for a long time, starting an offhand reference in a year one mission on Titan that explained one Eliksni was trying to work with the Guardians with common interests. If you paid attention to the Zero Hour quest that rewarded Outbreak Perfected he also assisted the player character there, opposing Eramis who was trying to steal the gun. This season is the first to feature him as a fully fledged character
  • Art Evolution: Previous Vex environments were about extreme geometric architecture with a mostly gunmetal coloration. This season abandons the more homogenous designs for something more chaotic and stronger neon lighting with Tron Lines. This is mostly explained as a physical representation of the actual Vex network rather than Vex bases in the physical plane.
  • Both Sides Have a Point: Saint-14 and Mithrax start out butting heads at the start of the Season, with Saint still harboring a deep distrust of the Fallen for the atrocities committed against Humanity. Mithrax points out that the situation is not exactly ideal for them either, as they are being forced to live with the very beings that have spent hundreds of years killing them.
  • Central Theme: Holding onto old hatreds only brings ruin. Saint-14 learns to overcome his feelings towards the Eliksni and grows as a person for it. The Faction Leaders are unable to do so and it leads to them not only dying, but nearly dooming the city in the process.
  • Conflict Killer: The arrival of the House of Light in the Last City causes the Future War Cult, New Monarchy, and Dead Orbit to put aside their issues to try and get the Eliksni kicked out. Instead, this causes the Vanguard to dismantle all three factions when their actions almost jeopardize the Last City.
  • Continuity Snarl: The redux versions of the strikes "Devils' Lair" and "Fallen S.A.B.E.R.". Despite it being many years since their canonical conclusions, when they returned for this game... literally the only things changed are the inclusion of Fallen from House of Dusk (alongside Brigs), Sepiks Prime having its metal remix from Rise of Iron play in Nightfalls, and a segment in the Warmind bunker having a node to shoot so it's easier to pass through. This clashes heavily with the themes of Splicer, especially Zavala's dialogue in the former strike, which can be uncomfortable to read due to Early-Installment Weirdness.
  • Cyberspace: The seasonal activity has you busting into the Vex Network to take the fight directly to them with the help of Mithrax and his Splicer abilities.
  • A Day in the Limelight: Mithrax had multiple, easy to overlook encounters with players in a mission on Titan and the Zero Hour quest, but was further explained in the lore more than the gameplay. This season places him in the center, gaining a new design and becoming a fully developed character with a voice actor.
  • The Dreaded: Season of the Splicer establishes that Saint-14 was this to the Fallen, with one cutscene narrated by Mithrax painting him not as the noble protector and courageous warrior we think of him as, but as a brutal, merciless, unstoppable and utterly terrifying engine of death and destruction that brings ruin wherever he travels.
  • Faceā€“Heel Turn: The Faction leaders of the City: Lakshmi-2, Executor Hideo, and Arach Jalal, all band together to try and force the Eliksni out of the portion of the Last City that they have been given by unleashing the Vex.
  • It Has Been an Honor: Saint-14 and Mithrax express this sentiment during the final Vex Offensive in the Last City, deciding that they're both happy to go down fighting alongside one another it comes to it.
  • Killed Off for Real: Laskmi-2 dies at the climax of the season due to inadvertently transporting Vex into the city in an attempt to teleport the Eliksni out of the refugee camp in the city. She has been around since the first Destiny game, and with this turn of events the game ends up dissolving the faction groups altogether.
  • Moral Disambiguation: The Future War Cult, New Monarchy, and Dead Orbit have all been sources of Grey-and-Gray Morality, since all three have positive and negative viewpoints. Here, they finally decide to put those differences aside and unite. In an inversion of the expected result, though, all three end up being equally wrong, because the factor that unites them is Fantastic Racism against the newly arrived refugees from the Eliksni House of Light. Their efforts to get the House of Light evicted from the Last City end with all three factions being dissolved.
  • The Night That Never Ends: As part of the Vex's actions this season, they have plunged Last City into an endless night.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: In the aftermath of this Season, all three factions either leave the city or collapse, with their representatives either disappearing or outright dying, and faction rallies no longer happen in-game.
  • The Bus Came Back: Mithrax reappears for the first time since Season of The Drifter. Now sporting an entirely new look and playing a prominent role in the Seasonal Storyline.
  • The Reveal: The further you get into the story and become more skilled as a Splicer, the Endless Night is revealed to not be a normal Vex attack but a Taken infestation in their network. One that has Savathuns' fingerprints all over it.
