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Recap / Dead Rising 4

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December 4th, 20218:32 PM

Driving through the snowy field, veteran photojournalist and national hero Frank West tells his student Victoria “Vick” Chu about how he punched the president by accident after tripping. As they talk, Frank realizes Vick is driving him into Willamette, Colorado. Frank is furious, Vick having told him they were going to play minigolf (“I love minigolf!”). Vick explains that there’s a secret military base involved in illegal experiments. Believing it to be conspiratorial nonsense, Frank wants to turn the car around, Willamette being the last place he wants to be, even six months after the zombie virus has been cured. Vick convinces him by pointing out he always tells her she needs to take better pictures, brandishing Frank’s camera. Frank agrees, on the condition he drives. Getting around several guards, Frank lays down ground rules: This is his story and Vick is learning, and anything illegal might unnerve her, so Vick is going to stay cool (“Keep your eye on the prize”).

Before going in, Frank tries to do a fist bump, but Vick goes on ahead. Falling into a pit of zombies, Frank fights them off. Reuniting with Vick, who is disturbed by the dead bodies, they find a lab with a lot of studying going into the zombies, both finding it odd due to there already being a cure. In a security room, they spot a monitor showing two women, one a soldier the other a bespectacled doctor, examining a spasming zombie undergoing some sort of treatment. In a morgue they spot several zombies with the same faces, and DNA graphs on display, showing that they’re mass cloning zombies for their research. But Vick, much more empathetic than the jaded Frank, runs off when she hears crying, where they find a zombie is the one crying. Vick shoots her with the gun she brought as a Mercy Kill. Teacher and student have a falling out, Vick accuses Frank of being uncaring, but Frank accuses Vick of now putting a target to their backs. Both split up when security comes after them. Making it outside, Frank spots Vick driving off without him, but his frustration is cut short when the guards start shooting at him.

On September 5th, 2021, the Pentagon released a story stating that Frank West assaulted unarmed guards at a reservist training center in Willamette, sparking a nationwide manhunt.

Several months later, January, 2022, ZDC Colonel Brad Park, a survivor of the Los Perdidos outbreak, finds Frank posing as a wedding photography teacher under the pseudonym Hank East. Despite being assured he’s not under arrest yet, Frank still tries to pry the windows open. Brad explains that there’s been an outbreak in Willamette that started six weeks ago, which has gotten no media attention. Brad wants to know what Frank saw in Willamette, explaining that what Brad does know was accidentally given a top level report he wasn’t supposed to see, with one point he finds unnerving that the reservist training center doesn’t have a single person stationed there. No chatter in the town, satellite camera’s haven’t updated in four months. Brad can see that there’s a cover-up, but he’s more confused on why Frank would prefer teaching a night class, downing a flask, instead of being two steps ahead of everyone.

Frank simply tells the agent that he quit. After who knows how many outbreaks he’s covered, Frank has got nothing to show for it, save for a lot of dead friends. Brad points out that in 2006, he exposed the first ever zombie outbreak, but Frank counters that when he pointed out three weeks later he tried to expose the government cover-up then he got buried over it. Brad points out that he needed more evidence, which he’s willing to give Frank if he goes to Willamette with him. When Frank refuses, Brad reveals that Vick is already in Willamette thanks to photos (But Brad accidentally shows a pic of his boyfriend first). Now the two men are riding to Willamette on a military helicopter. On the ground, the military woman spots them, and has her men shoot it down with an RPG. Crashing into the Willamette mall, both men survive, and head off for the hotel for cover.

Along the way, Brad and Frank voice they’re confusion since the vaccine was a nationwide requirement. Heading inside the hotel, they find a guy named Connor, who immediately pegs them as being from out of town after Frank is confused by his comment on the hotel just opening. Connor explains that the outbreak happened on Black Friday, the grand opening of the mall. Helping Connor get into the locked manager’s room, Frank and Brad are attacked by men with machine guns. Getting into the security room to find the dead manager, Frank wants to know what happened, and all Connor knows is that some military types had secured the main gate of the mall with Vick holed up in the mall’s security system. Frank decides to go solo, so Brad heads off to help with relief efforts. Getting there, Frank finds other survivors, and finds a room Vick used judging by her handwriting on the walls.

Finding a map she drew of the mall, a military laptop with emails by Vick to some contact, and a mannequin with Frank’s picture covered in darts. Frank understands the outbreak occurred at the mall entrance, which was guarded by PMC according to Connor. Heading to the front gate of the mall. Along the way, Frank comes across mutated zombies that run. Zombies haven’t run since 2006. Brad gets on the radio and reveals that Vick has been using the PMC Obscuris to have access to terminals outside of the signal jamming, with her first report a month old. At the front gate, Frank finds a gang of maniacs reenacting the medieval times that he has to fight against. Getting to the front gate, he finds military men having a full base set up with helicopters flying in. Heading through a quarantine tent, Frank gets out into the streets of Willamette. Immediately Frank is unnerved by a number of soldiers being impaled, and spots files that says the soldiers were investigating the cause of the outbreak.

So if the soldiers didn’t do this, and zombies don’t just appear so…What the hell happened?

Frank is distracted from these questions by a guy named Darcy wandering around, who recognizes Frank as the hero of Willamette. The man wants to take Frank to meet his girlfriend/editor Paula, a podcaster who has been investigating Obscuris, the mercenaries operating in the town. Deciding he needs all the help he can get, Frank follows Darcy lead to City Hall in Old Town. Along the way, his phone rings with Paula calling in, having gotten the number from Darcy. At City Hall, Frank meets Paula, who corrects Frank when he calls her Darcy’s Girlfriend. She’s the editor first and foremost. She adds that until forty minutes ago, the area was a major Obscuris outpost, so they investigate. Frank spots that Obscuris was taking notes on certain vehicles being flipped over or launched to the roof, showing they’re following a path of destruction.

And there are files on Dodd’s Drugstore, but the sewer and sanitary files are missing. After Darcy reveals that Dodd’s Drugs has a sniper camped there. On the way there, Frank calls Brad to have him look up Obscuris, but Brad doesn’t think he’ll find much since names aren’t kept from op to op. Getting to the drug store, Frank finds the soldier hanging from a wall by the ankles dead, blurry photos, and empty boxes of large game tranquilizers, meaning Obscuris is hunting something to catch but it got to this sniper first. On the radio, Frank hears some Obscuris men fighting the target before being ordered to abort and fall back to the Fire Hall. Finding the hall empty of Obscuris soldiers, where once more he finds dead soldiers hung up by the ankles, a map of four outposts (City Hall, the Apartments over the Drugstore, the Fire Hall, and the Junkyard), and a computer file saying that over a hundred soldiers have died hunting whatever they are hunting.

With three outposts abandoned, Frank heads for the Junkyard. Paula’s already there, and he tells her to stay out of danger. Getting deep inside, Frank finds Vick talking to the Obscuris Commander from their investigation about a future attack by the survivors. Darcy is dragged over by an Obscuris soldier, but he’s spared when the Commander sees that Vick is uncomfortable. And she calls out Frank for hiding so poorly, and sicks her men on him. Dealing with a flamethrower-wielding soldier, Frank gets back to Paula who spotted Obscuris moving Darcy to West Ridge. Making his way over, Frank calls Brad and tells him about the hunt for whatever started the outbreak, and Paula tells him that she found out a trap is being set up at the dam. Making his way over, Frank gets shot in the neck with a dart and passes out.

Frank wakes up in a shed surrounded by other survivors with one sharpening an ax. The ax wielder wants to know what a photographer is doing here, who snaps that the country doesn’t send food but two reporters, him and Vick. Frank explains that he’s looking for her, but the man tells Frank that if he wants to take his pictures he’s gotta pull his weight like everyone else. And not be like Vick, who just got given supplies and had nothing but questions about what they did when fighting against Obsuris. And she gave that information to the enemy and now his raiders are under attack. Frank agrees on the condition he gets to explore the dam. The man notes that his engineer Hammond is leading the raid, and she knows the dam better than anyone. One of the survivors, Isaac, explains to Frank that Hammond took a number of survivors to Willamette Junior High, and there’s a standoff with Obscuris, thankfully no shots fired.

Frank wants to know why they wanna poke that badger, to which he groans that the leader Tom wants to send a message. Leaving Tom’s Farm, hearing everyone comment on how tense Tom is along the way, Frank makes it to the Junior High, where the firefight has just begun. Frank and Kylie Hammond get a proper introduction after the fighting and Frank explains that Tom said she’d help him get in the dam. Hammond hands him the city keys to the service door, which she has as the city’s chief engineer. Frank is surprised she’s giving this away so easily, so Hammond says Vick talked him up from his time in the first outbreak. Frank leaves without offering help, making Hammond note that Vick was right about one other thing: He’s an asshole.

Leaving the raiders, Frank gets a call from Brad, who informs him Tom Pickton is a dairy farmer turned resistance leader, and Frank tells him about the dam and the trap Obscuris has set. Brad also informs him that an analysis on the virus came in that it’s immune to the vaccine AND Zombrex. Frank panics about a new strain, but Brad tells him no, it’s an older strain. The Santa Cabeza strain. Getting to the dam, Frank finds Darcy tied up, who tells Frank that Obscuris knows something about the monster they’re hunting that terrifies them. After being pointed out the room was used for briefings by Obscuris, Frank investigates and finds a chart that they’ve been hunting the monster BEFORE the outbreak, its name is Calder, and that there are demands for heavy combat exosuits. With the fact it moves through the sewers, Obscuris thinks they might be able to trap it.

The dam shakes so Frank leaves Darcy tied up and heads deeper in. But getting outside, all he sees is a transport truck with a large crate in the back with inhuman screams coming out of it. Frank gets spotted by a merc in an Exosuit, so he gets into an Exosuit with a minigun. Fighting off Obscuris as well as the lieutenant, Frank gives chase to the convoy, calling up Brad who has heard the radio chatter and agrees to look up Calder. The radio chatter fills up with a firefight, most likely Tom’s Militia is attacking the convoy. Frank catches up and finds everything in ruins all the way to the Army Reserve, where he finds a wounded soldier, who admits that even if Frank heals him he can’t tell him what they were hauling. But he can tell Frank that command calls this a Recovery Op, and that it was to be taken out of the town for R&D. After the guy falls asleep, Frank looks around and finds more dead hung up soldiers after Calder had ripped the cargo truck apart.

Frank tells Brad that this thing is crazy strong and has friends, but is interrupted by a roar. Frank follows to find train cars thrown around like paper weights. Heading into the old sewer tunnels, possibly the same ones he and Isabella escaped Willamette through in 2006, and spots Calder moving through the shadows, the firelight glow of Queen Wasps the only light. Fighting off a mutant zombie with Queen Wasps flying in and out of its skin with glowing eyes, more Evolved Zombies surround Frank. That’s when the Obscuris Scientist, Diane Blackburne, calls Frank on his radio and tells him to come to West Ridge, and tells him to tell the ZDC she wants to be evacuated by helicopter in 48 hours for information she has. Frank agrees for something to whet his appetite, so she tells Frank that “we” were stationed in Willamette long before the outbreak, but before she can say more the radio signal dies.

Taking a shortcut through to the mall, Frank calls Brad to see if an evac chopper can be called for Blackburne. Searching the houses, Frank finds Blackburne tied up, and Vick pointing a gun at the back of his head. Disarming her, Frank calls Vick out for siding with Obscuris and holding a woman hostage. Vick defends herself by explaining that she’s trying to find out who Obscuris is working for and what caused the outbreak. Frank adds that she sold out Hammond and her people, but Vick points out that was a no-kill order, to which Frank writes her off as naive. When Frank accuses her of wanting the big scoop, Vick snaps at his selfishness, to which Frank tells her to just leave. Frank unties Blackburne afterwards, she takes him to the project Obscuris is working on, based on a research abandoned fifteen years ago, all the way back to the first outbreak.

Blackburne explains that there's been a lab in Willamette from that time and the research could change everything. To show Frank the proof, she shows him a picture of her and her colleague: Dr. Russell Barnaby, the man who created the zombies that died in the original outbreak. Ecstatic over this news Frank promises he’ll buy a helicopter if necessary, so Blackburne tells him to head for the Golden Apple Winery, a front for the lab hidden in the cellar. Getting past the zombies and Obscuris soldiers, Frank gets inside the classy winery, where he finds hung mercenaries down into the cellar. Finding a hidden way blocked by a casket, Frank heads into the secret lab. Investigations show that all computer hardware had been gutted and moved, file cabinets empty, and a safe with the ashes of Barnaby’s beloved cat Mr. Flamel. Contacting Brad, Frank is told the only way to get the files is by storming their main base, so Frank investigates deeper, finding a password locked door.

Typing in FLAMEL, Frank gets into a massive room with a pod in the center. Stepping inside the pod to take photos, Frank hears something, accidentally bumping into a big red button. The door starts to close as a green light floods in, but Frank escapes to fight off evolved zombies. Leaving the winery, Frank calls Hammond to help him break into Obscuris, but she’s hiding out in the West Ridge house. Finding the house was difficult due to the large neighborhood, but Frank found the right one. Inside is a group of people being tended to by a now one eyed Hammond. Tom blamed her for the raid and made an example of her. People are being locked in the cellar, others are banished or put on trial, Tom’s on a power high. Having pegged Tom as a Crazy Survivalist who came to Willamette expecting another outbreak, Hammond is prepared to kill him.

But first they have to get everyone innocent out of Tom’s farm. Frank will handle that if he can get into the Obscuris base. Along the way to the Pool Hall, Hammond calls to tell him they have a plan for the base and sticks it to Fontana at the same time. Having never heard this name, Frank has to be told she’s the commander of Obscuris. Getting to the Pool Hall and clearing out all the zombies inside so that Hammond’s people can be moved over. Heading all the way to the Army Reserve Base to meet up with Hammond, Frank plants explosives on the walls to break in, setting off the alarms. Hammond gets to work on the security system, getting the photojournalist an exosuit to fight back. But things take a turn when Calder’s roars cause a horde of zombies to attack. Destroying the generators, the veteran zombie killer heads deep into the base, finding a room where Obscuris was testing the intelligence of zombies with children learning toys, checking an Evolved Zombies vitals, and files on something called Project Saturn.

Heading underground to find the files, Frank finds a room with thousands of files, but he does find data on a retrieval team called Nova 6, broken components of the treatment machine, and a file box stamped for November 25th, so with a little peaking into the computer hard drive, he finds a video created from an exosuit camera of the wearer waving to a mouse before stomping on it. This is Nova 6, composed of soldiers Hansen, Vargas, Mc Culloch, and Calder powering up Barnaby’s Lab. These men are taking all of Barnaby’s research and mapping out for the next team. Calder types away on a laptop which plays a recording of Barnaby’s research. The final recording is from September 19th, 2006, the day of the First Willamette Outbreak. Barnaby voices his confusion on who could have done this as well as how. Finding the files they’re looking for, Calder hooks up his exosuit to the computer, downloading the data into its CPU.

As the four wait, Barnaby continues that what originally started as research into increased beef production had evolved into eternal life. Dealing with only decay, they never tire, never get sick, never age. But the Pentagon wants to weaponize the parasites, which is of little concern for Barnaby since he was called to the mall, unknown but familiar to him, by Carlito Keyes, the first outbreak causer and Santa Cabeza survivor. Barnaby ‘’knew’’ it was insane to go up to the surface, to his death, but he wanted to see his handiwork anyway. And if he was to get infected, if he could return to the lab and use the test chamber (Which Calder was standing in at that point) as a cure. But a rusty screw causes a glass chamber of wasps to crash, releasing them on all four men, one by one they get stung to death before turning into zombies until Calder is left. Calder locks himself in the chamber with the wasps, mutating him into a monster. Meanwhile, the rest of Nova 6 stumbles out of the winery into Willamette, causing the current outbreak.

Once the video ends, Fontana finally traps Frank inside the basement, forcing him to fight off her soldiers. Telling Brad that they need Calder’s exosuit to get the big scoop, Frank meets Fontana face to face. He accuses her of immortality peddling, but she corrects that zombie manual labor is more profitable. Immortality was the first goal, but once the smart zombies popped up, the mission changed to pacify, domesticate, and train. Not as soldiers, which even she knows that’s insane, but they’ll be coffee farmers or manufacturing or meat packaging, the list goes on. Cheap unskilled labor at the highest bidder. Frank wonders who would pay for something like that, and Fontana points out any taxpayer would since it’s the government that wants this. The two fight but are interrupted by the roar of Calder who busts open a steel door. He’s a zombie in an exosuit surrounded by Queen Wasps.

The two hide, but Fontana’s radio notifies Calder where she is. Desperate, she pulls the pin on a grenade and charges at him, but the blast only takes her out. Calder runs to fight off the rest of her soldiers. Frank goes to console her, confused by her sacrifice, to which she points out wolves take care of their packs as she dies. With her dead now, the only proof of Frank’s innocence and the government’s guilt is Calder’s exosuit. Getting out of the ruined base, Hammond calls to tell him Tom and his cult have her group pinned down. Getting to the emergency shelter to find electric fences, so Frank heads in to reset the system, Brad surprised he’s helping out someone that won’t get him a Pullitzer. Frank rushes through to fight the psychopaths and zombies, but finds the survivors are led by Connor, not Hammond. She and Jordan were taken by Tom’s cult, so Frank storms the farm, alone due to Brad having to call in evac helicopters for the civilians now that Obscuris is out of the way, to find the two, with Hammond about to be executed by Tom in a Kangaroo Court at the Kippax Cement Factory in North Peak.

Fighting the last of the lunatic’s cult, Frank and Hammond corner Tom who Ain't Too Proud to Beg, before Hammond kicks the farmer off the roof. Frank tries and fails to get a fist bump from her in celebration. Leaving, the new leader of the survivors is told about Calder, and they need to blow a hole in the sewers to draw him out. Meeting up with Jordan outside the sewers to pick up explosives, but before heading in, Brad offers to get Vick on the radio so that they can make up. One journalist going after the government is one thing, but two working together is a whole new beast. But Frank doesn’t see the point, she’s going to hate him no matter what. Deep in the sewers, Frank finds Calder surrounded by Evolved Zombies…And he’s talking. Rambling about the food chain and how humans are exempt from it, and how they burn the land, dry the waters, and tear down the skies.

Right as Calder is about to destroy the hard drive, the zombie killer throws a brick at the super zombie. Grabbing the hard drive, Frank flees with his life as Calder burns the sewers down. Taking a breath, Frank hooks the hard drive to his camera, putting all the data on the SD card. As soon as he turns his back, Vick is pointing her gun at him. She takes the camera, so Frank chases after her through the mall, where everything began. They run all the way to Kiichiro plaza, where Calder knocks out the rookie and takes the camera. Jamming a grenade into the camera, Calder destroys the evidence. Now despondent, Frank decides he’s going to kill Calder. Heading to the control room, Vick gets Frank an Exosuit and shuts down the power so Calder can’t recharge. And finally Calder dies, his exosuit lighting on fire. Frank takes Vick, who got electrocuted when taking out the power, and gets her to Brad to treat her wounds.

After Brad treats her, Vick wakes up with Frank giving the good news Calder is dead, but the bad news he destroyed the evidence. The camera, Barnaby’s system, and the hard drive, all gone. The two slowly mend the fence with Frank admitting he was being an ass, and Vick apologizes for making things more complicated than they needed to be. That’s when Vick pulls out the SD card to the camera, all the evidence inside. She offers it to her teacher, but he won’t take it without giving something. The student asks that they share the story as equals, to which Frank asks they FINALLY go mini-golf as they fist bump. The three get ready to head for the roof to meet the evac chopper. But along the way, a group of Evo Zombies are leading a horde of zombies after them to avenge Calder. Brad and Vick load up in the ZDC helicopter, but Frank is dangling from the landing skid. The zombies dogpile one another until a dozen are dangling off of Frank. Knowing that he’s capable of one last save for his friends, Frank tells them, “Keep your eyes on the prize.”

And he lets go, taking the zombies with him. The last Brad and Vick see of him is the zombies dogpiling him. The two are heartbroken by his Heroic Sacrifice, but the helicopter flies off into the distance with SD card in hand.

Vick Chu: If Frank West could have his way…This is where the story would end. He’d die a hero, sacrificing himself for the good of his friends. You wouldn’t need to follow it up-to see the mess that unfolded in the months after. But Frank’s not here to tell the story his way. He can’t load it up with spicy embellishments. Listening to his notes, I kind of wonder how this story would have gone, when he told it later. Would he have defeated Fontana in single combat? Refused to conspire with the evil Dr. Blackburne? Added a sweet romance with the city engineer? I’m sure his second book would have sold as well as his first. But Frank’s not here to tell his story. So he’s gotta trust me to do it-whether he wanted it that way or not. And I say, the truth is better than fiction.

Frank Rising DLC

After Frank’s Heroic Sacrifice, the zombies devouring him infect his corpse with the wasps, turning Frank into a zombie. A group of psychopaths storm the roof and the now zombified Frank attacks them, with the horror that entails. His rampage through the mall ends after Hammond guns him down with Dr. Blackburne throwing a grenade. Frank awakens in a cell, with Hammond adamant that Frank is gone. Blackburne, meanwhile, believes she may have restored his mind due to a testrun she did. Hammond refuses to think there’s hope after watching him eat people, so she wants him put out of his misery. When Hammond leaves, Blackburne begs for Frank to show he’s still alive if he wants to survive. Finding a hidden key, Blackburne tells him that the Pentagon knows Obscuris screwed up and is preparing to firebomb the city.

Heading through the compound, Blackburne believes there’s a way to cure Frank, but they have to be careful Hammond doesn’t kill them. Frank starts talking, admitting in a gravelly voice that some of what she said was hard to follow. Sneaking through the mall, Frank admits to be feeling sluggish, with Blackburne admitting that the side effect of her medicine is a crippling of several zombie abilities he had displayed during his rampage. Once back in the mall, the zombies start attacking him, his mental capacity making them think he’s still human. Blackburne has Frank go to Kiichiro plaza, where Calder’s body is left abandoned. Blackburne tells Frank to inspect the glowing wasps. Getting stung by the wasps, Frank gets back some of his abilities, such as Pounce. Blackburne explains that the wasps are altering his parasites' DNA, something she hasn’t seen since Barnaby’s experiments.

Frank realizes that since he was in Barnaby’s lab, he had pushed a button in the pod and was exposed to a green light. Getting to the underground tunnels, Blackburne tells Frank over the radio that the cure is in Barnaby’s lab, but they need to get some supplies before Hammond takes the only Obscuris helicopter out of the city and they have to be on that helicopter. Along the way, Frank discovers several pre-queen wasps, “Princess Wasps” as he jokingly calls them, that allows him to improve his abilities. At Dodd’s Drugs, Frank is ordered to collect all the painkillers he can find. At Cochrane’s Pub, Obscuris remnants are holding onto the Chamber’s missing control key. Finding the key, Blackburne expresses her delight that Frank has become the zombie that Dr. Barnaby was trying to create, who quickly shuts down any more talk since they’re trying to cure him, not make more of him.

Groaning, Blackburne tells Frank to head for Big Bucks Hardware next for Solenoids, electromagnets. After prowling the streets of Willamette, Blackburne suggests he go get some liquor, to Frank’s confusion. When found out she just wants to drown her sorrows over not winning the nobel peace prize, Frank gets exasperated. Realizing she needs more notes, Blackburne sends Frank to get her phone at the bus depot since it has those notes. Emailing the notes to Blackburne, Frank’s final objective is the West Ridge, where he’ll find an EVO pack of zombies. While in West Ridge, Frank uses his radio to get a hold of Hammond, who is insulted by someone claiming to be the dead Frank. Fighting off the zombies, including a royal EVO, Frank gets a Queen Wasp. Now heading to Tom’s farm to talk to Hammond directly for her to see that Frank is indeed still alive as a zombie now.

As Frank is explaining that he wants to help with the hijacking, he notices that Blackburne’s gone. An explosion happens, and an Obscuris team of soldiers has the farm surrounded. Thanks to his undead advantage, Frank is able to fight them off. Realizing the timing was too perfect, Hammond calls Blackburne on the radio, surprised she’s still alive. Turns out Blackburne decided Frank had more value as an intelligent zombie than as a former zombie and made a deal with Obscuris, in exchange for Obscuris learning of the highjacking. Refusing to be stuck in Willamette again, Frank charges at Obscuris. Heading deep into Barnaby’s lab, Hammond heads off for the helicopter but warns Frank that with a chronic liar like Blackburne, there may not even BE a cure. Getting to Blackburne, Frank threatens to kill her if she doesn’t cure him. Despite touting what a scientific marvel Frank is, Blackburne proves to be a Dirty Coward and agrees to help him. Inside the chamber, Frank sets up the machine, but the Queen Wasp he had gotten attracts all the remaining zombies into the lab. Between fighting the zombies and making a cure, Frank successfully becomes human again. Heading outside he gets to the chopper in time.

In the good ending where he collects all the Princess Wasps, he’s joined by all the survivors, finally getting a fistbump from Hammond. On January 5th, 2022, the Pentagon hosts a press release which reveals that after escaping Willamette Frank wrote a bestseller about his time as a zombie. Absolutely nobody believed a word of it. Working with Vick, he was able to reveal the government’s continued experimentation with zombies that will rattle the country and those in power for decades. Because of that, Frank West is once again a household name.

In the bad ending where he failed to collect all the Princess Wasps, Frank and Blackburne are the sole survivors, with Frank permanently disappearing, forever traumatized by his time as a zombie.
