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Recap / Captain Flamingo S 1 E 25 A Burr In The Hand Blindsided

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A Burr in the Hand

Milo has just finished washing his trusty Big Wheel. But now will he need it to help little Max navigate the army of burs in his backyard in order to have his pool party?

Tropes in this episode:

  • Bird-Poop Gag: Milo tries to ride his wheel more faster than usual as it seems that it will run faster after it's clean as he just finished washing it. However, he saw a flock of pigeons sitting on a wire and starts trying to pooping on him, which Milo thankfully avoided or else he and his wheel would've been dirty as a result of that.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • To get rid of the bur in Max's backyard to have his pool party, Milo uses his glue spray as if the bur is stuck in the bush, it can't stick to you. Once he uses it, it instead creates more burs instead of removing it, realizing that he was using plant food to make the bur grow even more, which now nobody can get into the pool.
    • Milo then tries to use his nunchucks to spin it around the burs so that it gets it off. Unfortunately, him doing this caused him, Lizbeth and Max to be covered with lot of burs.
    • To remove the burs from him, Lizbeth and Max, Milo then uses his super sticky picker upper. However, instead of it taking off the burs, it causes the picker uppers to get stuck on them. He tries to add more of them but it made the problem even worse. Finally, Milo suggests to Lizbeth and Max to both try to grab on to each other and pull them out but instead, they got stuck together.
    • After Milo decides to have him, Lizbeth and Max strip down to their underpants, he then gives them emergency spare outfits for them to wear to bypass the bur bushes by walking along the fence to the back of the yard, so they can hop out of the fence and jump to the pool. But due to the outfits being shaped like T-bone steaks, it got the attention to several dogs due to mistaking them as real meat, causing them to start biting the outfits, and lead to them retreating out of the fence.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Lizbeth suggests to Milo that the quick fix on getting rid of the burs in Max's backyard is to use his clean wheel. Milo feels reluctant to use it as he just washed it today and doesn't want it to get dirty but due to him helping Max, he decided to use it anyways to get rid of the burs. Eventually, his wheel did manage to get rid of all of the burs in Max's backyard where his pool is at, leading to his pool party not getting canceled and more kids start to arrive there to have fun.
  • Meat-O-Vision: Due to the spare outfits that Milo gave Lizbeth and Max are shaped like T-bone steaks as their real clothes were covered with sticky burs, it got the attention to several dogs as they mistaken them as real meat, causing them to start biting their outfits.
  • Mondegreen Gag: Max mishears Milo just after he jumps to the pool from a diving board, as although he was actually saying "brrr" as in getting cold due to the pool water being cold, he thought he was saying "bur" as in the same plants covering his backyard that almost got his pool party canceled in the first place, and starts to run out of the pool screaming.
  • Stock Audio Clip: The same exact scream for Max was used twice in the same scene in an Imagine Spot where Milo suggests to dig an enormous tunnel under the bur forests and come out next to the pool where the catch is that enormous freak worms are under there and eats Max.
  • Thinks of Something Smart, Says Something Stupid: After Milo tries taking off the burs from Lizbeth and Max by using sticky picker uppers, which backfired as they got stuck on them instead of removing the burs, Milo tries to think of an another solution to remove the burs which Lizbeth and Max hope that it won't have to do with stripping to their underpants. Eventually, Milo said just that, leading them to take off all of their bur-covered clothes but their underpants as Milo has an emergency spare outfits to wear.
    Milo: Ok, I've given some serious thought. There's only one thing we can do to free ourselves from these burry rolls.
    Max: Please don't say strip to our underpants!
    Lizbeth: Well anything but strip to our underpants!
    Milo: Strip to our underpants!


Milo's night-vision goggles may come in handy as he helps Otto, who has a crush on Tabitha, while also helping Tabitha, who wants Otto to stop bugging her for her science fair project.

Tropes in this episode:

  • Chekhov's Gun: Otto mentions that he can use his fist to put it up to his nose. It was then revealed at the end of the episode that Otto has fish-shaped cavity in his nose that causes him to do that, which Tabitha uses him for her science fair project.
  • Didn't Think This Through:
    • To try to make Otto be Tabitha's science fair partner, Milo uses his voice changing system to make Otto have a suave voice in order to call Tabitha as if he calls her with his normal voice, she will hang up due to Otto bothering her. Unfortunately, he sets it to extra dopey, causing Otto to have a much more dopier voice than usual which Tabitha hangs up after it was revealed to be just Otto calling her.
    • Otto decided to use his Robotto bot to put on Tabitha's doorstep as he isn't allowed to go inside due to him bothering her. Although the plan worked very briefly, the robot's spinning bow tie starts to spin out-of-control, which causes his head pops off, freaking Tabitha out.
    • Milo then uses his hypno discs as using the right discs will make Tabitha stop hating Otto while Otto stops loving Tabitha. But due to him tripping over Otto's broken Robotto bot, the discs got mixed up, causing them to do the exact opposite just after hypnotizing them as Tabitha continued to hate on Otto while Otto continued to love Tabitha.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Lizbeth mentions to Milo that superheroes aren't good solving love problems and doesn't have the nose for it. This lead to Milo having an idea from his "Bird Brain" by showing Tabitha the weird thing that Otto does with his nose by putting his fist up to his nose. She then realizes that, when she get pass the gross factor, Otto is actually amazing and used him as her science project as it was revealed that he has a fish-shaped cavity, causing him to do that.
  • Lustful Melt: Happens to Lizbeth when she hears Otto's "Suave Voice".
  • Snail Mail: In the opening of the episode, Milo orders a pair of night-vision goggles from the back of a comic book, but didn't receive it for a long while due to being delivered by an actual snail. He eventually receives it, only to find out that he ordered an extra extra small pair instead of extra small, causing some difficulty to put the goggles on.
  • Visible Odor: When Otto tries to be with Tabitha, his breath smelt like onions causing her to refuse to be with him. Otto's onion breath is represented in a rancid green color.
