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Recap / CSINYS 08 E 06

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Directed by Scott White

Written by Anthony E. Zuiker, Ann Donahue, Carol Mendelsohn & Trey Calloway

"Get Me Out of Here!" is the 6th episode of Season 8 and the 168th overall. It originally aired November 4, 2011.
A fraternity prank goes horribly wrong: one of the pledges is missing and the pledge master, whose body is found in an open grave, is the only person who knows where he is. Sid asks Mac for a big favor. The team gather for a fun bonding moment at the end of the episode.

Tropes for the episode:

  • Bury Me Not on the Lone Prairie: Danny tells Lindsay he wants his ashes scattered over the Mets' field. She says she'll flush them out of the lavatory of her new husband's private jet on their way to Paris. She, on the other hand, wants to be buried in her beloved Montana, which he calls "the land of the Uni-bomber" and bemoans the thought of having to schlep up a mountainside to carry out her wishes.
  • Face Doodling: When Danny & Adam arrive at the frat house to question the other members, they encounter a young man with glasses and a goatee drawn on his face and the word "TOOL" written across his forehead.
  • Fanboy: Jo ribs Mac about "that eight-hour documentary of Reagan" he's always watching. He keeps an 8x10 of the President on prominent display throughout the series as well.
  • Halloween Episode: The prank takes place on Halloween night.
  • Locked Up and Left Behind: The pledge master tells no one else that he's locked the pledge in a stone coffin in his own family crypt.
  • MST: The episode ends with our heroes watching a slasher flick and mocking the inaccuracies (like the idea of someone chopping of a head in one clean sweep with a machete).
  • Surgeons Can Do Autopsies If They Want: Averted with former ME/surgeon Sheldon covering for Sid when he skips work.
  • Title Drop: The missing young man shouts, "Get me out of here!" while Flack, Sheldon & Jo are searching for him.
  • Wacky Fratboy Hijinx: Played for drama. What starts out with a pledge master making up a scavenger hunt that sends two pledges thru a series of cemeteries to find a third, turns fatal when the pledge master is found dead in an open grave - while the hidden guy is actually trapped in a stone crypt and fast running out of oxygen because the others can't figure out the clues.
